Friday, January 21, 2011

Look out! Vocab Fore!

You know how this works: dictionary definition, personal definition, sentence. Post one sentence as a comment.

When the Going Gets Tough
Words to Describe a Struggle
Due January 27

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words.

1.     convoluted
2.     cryptic
3.     futile
4.     impede
5.     obscure
6.     quandary

I’m a Loser, Baby
Words to Describe the Lazy
Due January 27

7.     indolent
8.     insipid
9.     listless
10.  torpor


  1. The old man was as slow as a sloth, as intriguing as blades of grass; his personality was positively insipid.

  2. From the Struggles:

    Though he clearly didn’t mean to impede on their conversation, he came at a wrong time and thus was lectured on entering without knocking.

    From the Laziness:

    The new co-workers were all indolent imbeciles who made me, as their superior, look horrendous.

  3. @Morgan #1: Everything about that sentence is pretty much amazing. Great imagery and parallelism.

    @MeShine: "Indolent imbeciles" made me laugh out loud.

    @Morgan #2: Nope. One sentence is sufficient. You *can* post another if you like.

  4. The turtle's attempts to make it across the road were futile; every time he tried to cross the road, another truck would hit him and send him back.

  5. Arguments against Sarah always end up futile.

  6. My attempt to understanding the cryptic hand motions from the girl through the bus window was futile.

    ~rachael strunk

  7. I think Mr. Kline finds himself in a quandary, wondering what to do with his hair in the morning.

  8. Diligence can take you anywhere in life; indolence, nowhere.

  9. Ah, such lovely sentences this week! Zeugma and vocabulary? What more could a teacher ask for?

    And Jordan, I am far too listless in the morning to care about my hair. Besides, any effort to make it look decent would be ...

  10. Psh, futile. I disagree!

  11. We angsty teens tend to feign listlessness--we're too cool to care.

  12. Sarah’s convoluted sister,Marie, boiled her precious pet hermit crab when she was nine.

  13. The teacher made math problems look easy, but when it came to doing the problems herself, the student found the problems became suddenly obscure.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. He was very convoluted; he could turn a simple addition problem into a formula for the circumference of a triangle.

    He toiled and worried and stood up all night; futile were his efforts to write.

    His quandary was resolved after a edifying chat with Ed.


  16. The teacher’s explanation of the math problem was so obscure I had no idea what she was talking about.

  17. well since it appears there is a theme of math-hating I would be happy to contribute a sentence along that vein

    As the mathematics class wore on, she stared listlessly at the clock and forced her eyes to stay open, wishing she had gone to bed earlier to better tackle the convoluted, never-ending, inherently evil mathamatical monstrosity. The point to this torture was obscure, but rebellion was futile because she would fail the course and, quite possibly, have to repeat it.

  18. My stepmother left me a cryptic message on my phone, undecipherable except the mumbling about a peanut butter sandwich.

  19. The bland colors of our school are disappointingly insipid.

  20. Futile attempts to master rhetorical analysis created anxiety among the student.
    -Katie Stag

  21. Being indolent, the girl decided to watch her favorite TV show and worry about homework in the morning.

    ;) muahaha

  22. @math comments: it's nice to know other teachers are out to torment y'all; I was beginning to think that I was the only one.

    @Missy: your sentence made me laugh out loud. Muahaha, indeed.

  23. I opened my text book and realized that the cryptic messages I’d been trying to translate all these years were actually math problems.

  24. While the lions and tigers and bears at the zoo were quite intriguing, the turtle sat in it's own cage listless.

  25. The vegetable labels stood towering over the futile land of dirt.

  26. Toby had an extremely insipid lifestyle, which was the source of Michael's hate towards him.

  27. I was in quite a quandary when I was comparing and contrasting good drives and bad drivers.

    -Philip Nguyen

  28. When my mom talks, her conversation topics often seem insipid.

    -Kaleigh F
