Sunday, May 29, 2011

Agenda, May 31

Due Now: T-shirt money
Due Now: Completed draft of Justice Essay
Due Now: "Shooting an Elephant"

  1. Works Cited
  2. Establishing sources
  3. Peer review: Is it a research paper? Does it define justice? Is it well written (structure, diction, rhetorical devices, conventions)? Is it effective (hit 'em with a "Yeah, but ..." or two)
  4. Justice in "Shooting an Elephant"


  1. Is three sources in one paragraph overkill?

  2. Perhaps. You could be in danger of writing a paragraph that is simply too long to support a single topic sentence. On the other hand, if it's a short paragraph, you could be in danger of overwhelming your own argument with other people's words. On the other hand, it might work great. Trust your instincts.

    Writing is, after all, an art form.
