Friday, August 5, 2011

Just Curious ...

How are your curiosity journals coming along? Any questions? Problems? Bragging to do? Comment below, but be sure to leave your name.


  1. I just need to remind myself of the curiosity aspect, and not just fill it with the unimportant fluff within my head. It isn't Twitter right? Ha. I'm also working on making it more than only a few pages of my composition book. I will focus on giving it more substance.

  2. I'm curious. About how many entries should there be (and about how long should they be)? I feel like mine are too short.

  3. I think I can tackle both Brogan and Anonymous's comments at the same time. First, don't fear the unimportant fluff. You're right, it's not Twitter, but that's mostly because Twitter is about (largely) about snark and snipe and my current state of being. Sometimes, interesting thoughts and questions simply flit across your mind. Your curiosity journal is a good spot to capture them. Sometimes, the best questions seem to start small. Sometimes, the biggest questions can only be answered by finding the answers to the smaller questions hidden withing them.

    As for numbers and length, I'm not counting anything in your curiosity journal.
