Thursday, December 15, 2011

Outline Essay Assign

Helpful Edit: Due Monday, January 16 Tuesday, January 17

Develop one of your outlines into a 600-1000 word essay. Your audience is the OCHS Literary Magazine staff and the student body of OCHS. Include three rhetorical strategies from the Virtual Salt, underlined and labeled. Include your word count in your  header. 


  1. Just making sure...

    You said 750-1000 words in "Mr. Kline Ruins Christmas Break" and 600-1000 here. It is 600-1000, right?

  2. 600 - 1000 is correct. Sorry 'bout the confusion.

  3. Can we write in second person if we are writing a process anaylsis?

  4. The second person can work if you have a clear understanding of your audience (remember, you're writing for the lit mag). For example, if you were writing to high school students to give them advice about how to skip class, the second person would be completely appropriate. However, if you ever give your reader the opportunity to say, "No, I don't" when you use second person, you've lost the rhetorical battle.

  5. Is it due the day we get back?
