Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Agenda, May 30

Due Monday, 5/6: Everything's an Argument, Chapter 19
NOT Due Today: Lucky Vocab 13

Due Now: Optional revised Just War essay. Remember to highlight your changes (only highlight the new stuff). 

Due Now: Finish Syllogisms
Due Friday: Define the unfamiliar words on the Tone handout. Bring your definitions with you. 

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Presentation
  2. Syllogisms 
  3. Lucky Vocab 13
  4. Three Minutes of Awesome

Monday, April 29, 2013

Presentation Schedule

Tuesday, 4/30
1. Kim
2. Ryan
3. Hailey
4. Leah
5. Ayush

Thursday, 5/2
1. Daniel
2. Erin  S
3. Abby G
4. Jack
5. Susie
Monday, 5/6
1. Lizzy
2. Claire
3. Kelsey
4. Joey
5. McKenna

Tuesday, 5/7
1. Lisa
2. Abby H
3. Caitlyn
4. Aaron N

Wednesday, 5/8
1. Brooke
2. Tina
3. Keira

Agenda, April 29

Due Now: Everything's an Argument, Chapter 8
Due Monday, 5/6: Everything's an Argument, Chapter 19
NOT Due Today: Lucky Vocab 13

Due Tomorrow: Optional revised Just War essay. Remember to highlight your changes (only highlight the new stuff). 

Due Tomorrow: Finish Syllogisms
Due Thursday: Define the unfamiliar words on the Tone handout. Bring your definitions with you. 

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Presentations (Cassidy, Shelby, Toria, Jocelyn, Diana)
  2. Toulmin (reasons, warrant, qualifier, claim)
  3. Syllogisms

Friday, April 26, 2013

Agenda, April 26

Due Monday, 4/29: Everything's an Argument, Chapter 8
NOT Due Monday, 4/29: Lucky Vocab 13

Due on or before Tuesday, 4/30: Optional revised Just War essay. Remember to highlight your changes (only highlight the new stuff). 

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. What happens next?
  2. The Festival of Scoring Continues: Synthesis (does it have three sources? are the sources well established and analyzed? is it thorough? is it well organized? is it inventive?)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Agenda, April 25

Due Now: Questions on Everything's an Argument, Chapters 6 and 7
Due Monday, 4/29: Everything's an Argument, Chapter 8
NOT Due Monday, 4/29: Lucky Vocab 13

Due on or before Tuesday, 4/30: Optional revised Just War essay. Remember to highlight your changes (only highlight the new stuff). 

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1.  The Fickle Finger of Fate
  2. The Festival of Scoring Cintinues: Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writes (is it accurate? is it thorough? is it well organized? does it connect techniques to effect to purpose?)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Agenda, April 24

Due Thursday: Questions on Everything's an Argument, Chapters 6 and 7
Due Monday, 4/29: Everything's an Argument, Chapter 8
NOT Due Monday, 4/29: Lucky Vocab 13
Due Thursday: You'll pick a text to review and a date to present it.

Due on or before Tuesday, 4/30: Optional revised Just War essay. Remember to highlight your changes (only highlight the new stuff). 

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. The Festival of Scoring Begins: Argumentative Timed Writes (is it inventive? is it thorough? is it balanced? is it college level evidence?)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Questions for Chapters 6 and 7

Due Thursday, 4/25
Handwritten answers are acceptable.
Your answers should draw on these chapters but not be limited to them.

1. How do you establish your credibility?
2. What's the difference between authority and credibility?
3. Logos includes two types of arguments: facts and reason. What is considered a "fact"?
4. What falls under the category of "reason"?

Vocab the 13th, Part XIII

Ways of Knowing
Words for the Wise
Not Due Monday, 4/29

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

  1. Acquired
  2. Conception
  3. Conviction
  4. Dogmatic
  5. Enlightening
  6. Impression
  7. Intuition
  8. Misconception
  9. Perception
  10. Perspective
  11. Profound

Agenda, April 23

Due Now: Everything's an Argument, Chapters 6 and 7
Due Monday, 4/29: Everything's an Argument, Chapter 8
NOT Due Monday, 4/29: Lucky Vocab 13
Due Thursday: You'll pick a text to review and a date to present it.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Random essays in / out
  2. Return of the Just War Essays. This time I mean it.
  3. Vocab Delve / Everything's an Argument
  4. What did we learn yesterday?
  5. Multiple choice answers

Monday, April 22, 2013

Agenda, April 22

Due Tuesday, 4/23: Everything's an Argument, Chapters 6 and 7
NOT Due Tuesday, 4/23: Vocab Delve, smart alecks.
Due Now: Read and score 2 Synthesis.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Return of the Just War Essays
  2. Pick 1
  3. Multiple Choice Section begins at 1:45.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Agenda, April 19

Due Tuesday, 4/23: Everything's an Argument, Chapters 6 and 7
NOT Due Tuesday, 4/23: Vocab Delve, smart alecks.
Plan Ahead: Monday, 4/22, AP Lang Exam AFTER SCHOOL in B206.
Due Now: Read and score 2 Synthesis.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Synth Notes
  2. Synth Timed Write

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Agenda, April 18

Due Tuesday, 4/23: Everything's an Argument, Chapters 6 and 7
NOT Due Tuesday, 4/23: Vocab Delve, smart alecks.
Plan Ahead: Monday, 4/22, AP Lang Exam AFTER SCHOOL in B206. 

Due Now: Read and score 2 RA's.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Calibration
  2. Scoring
  3. More multiple choice conversations

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fair Warning

If you are one of the six people who did not pick up a packet of Rhetorical Analysis essays, it would be a good idea to borrow one from a friend and take good notes on a piece of binder paper. If you got your packet, be sure to read it and take good notes on it. Give each essay a score and justify the score.

Agenda, April 17

Due Tuesday, 4/23: Everything's an Argument, Chapters 6 and 7
NOT Due Tuesday, 4/23: Vocab Delve, smart alecks.
Plan Ahead: Monday, 4/22, AP Lang Exam AFTER SCHOOL in B206. 

Due Tomorrow: Read and score 2 RA's.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. RA Notes
  2. RA Timed Writes

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Agenda, April 16

Due Tuesday, 4/23: Everything's an Argument, Chapters 6 and 7
NOT Due Tuesday, 4/23: Vocab Swell
Plan Ahead: Monday, 4/22, AP Lang Exam AFTER SCHOOL in B206. 

Do Now: Read and score 3 arguments.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Calibration and Scoring
  2. Multiple Choice Answers

Monday, April 15, 2013

Vocab Swell

Go With the Flow
Words for the Weak Willed

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

  1. Assimilation
  2. Consensus
  3. Context
  4. Derived
  5. Incumbent
  6. Inevitable
  7. Malleable
  8. Subdue

Feeling at Home
Words for the Comfortable

  1. Inherent
  2. Innate
  3. Inveterate
  4. Omnipotent
  5. Proximity

Agenda, April 15

Due Now: Everything's an Argument, Chapters 4 and 5
NOT Due: Vocab Swell
Plan Ahead: Monday, 4/22, AP Lang Exam AFTER SCHOOL in B206. 

Do Tonight? Read and score 3.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. AP Registration Info: Does everyone in here have a second AP class?
  2. Notes from the 1st Argument
  3. Argumentative Timed Write: 40 minutes
  4. Multiple Choice Answers
  5. Questions about Argument and Vocab

Friday, April 12, 2013

Agenda, April 12

Due Monday: Everything's an Argument, Chapters 4 and 5
NOT Due: Vocab Leavened
Plan Ahead: Monday, 4/22, AP Lang Exam AFTER SCHOOL in B206.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Congratulations are in order!
  2. AP Registration Info: Does everyone in here have a second AP class?
  3. Vocab Leavened
  4. Multiple Choice: 60 minutes exactly. It's okay to guess.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Agenda, April 11

Due Now: Read 3 anchor papers, justify the score
NOT Due: Vocab Leavened
Plan Ahead: Monday, 4/22 there will be a practice AP Lang Exam AFTER SCHOOL in B206. We'll talk about conflicts tomorrow.

Coming Tomorrow: Multiple Choice Practice

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. AP Registration Info
  2. Vocab Leavened
  3. Calibration
  4. Scoring Synthesis
  5. Vocab Ex

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Vocab Leavened

I Will Survive
Words for the Strong Willed
Not Due

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

  1. Assiduous
  2. Compelling
  3. Diligent
  4. Dogged
  5. Endure
  6. Intrepid
  7. Maverick
  8. Obdurate
  9. Obstinate
  10. Proliferate
  11. Tenacity
  12. Vitality

Agenda, April 10

Due Tomorrow: Read 3 anchor papers, justify the score
NOT Due: Vocab Leavened
Plan Ahead: Monday, 4/22 there will be a practice AP Lang Exam AFTER SCHOOL in B206. We'll talk about conflicts tomorrow.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Synthesis Timed Write

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Agenda, April 9

Due Now: Vocab Ex
Due Now: Reading 3 anchor papers, justify the score

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Remember the OWF! And remember to put up your chairs!
  2. Calibration
  3. Score your friends and neighbors
  4. Vocab Ex
  5. "The Prince" multiple choice answers (anybody remember that?)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Agenda, April 8

Do Now: Just War Essay
Due Now: Vocab Ex

Due Tomorrow: Reading 3 anchor papers, justify the score

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. The Panic-Free Submission of the Essays
  2. Remember the OWF! And remember to put up your chairs!
  3. Review of Friday's Work
  4. Vocab Ex, if time allows
  5. Rhetorical Analysis Timed Write: 45 minutes exactly.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Agenda, April 5

No Foolin': Just War Essay Deadline changed to Monday, 4/8
Due Monday, 4/8: Vocab Ex

Due Now: Reading 3 anchor papers, justify the score

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Essay questions?
  2. Calibration
  3. Score your friends and neighbors
  4. All logos, all the time 
  5. Multiple choice discussion and answers

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Scoring Guidelines

8 - Effective

Essays earning a score of 8 effectively respond to the prompt, taking a position and developing the position with appropriate and convincing evidence. The prose demonstrates an ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing but is not necessarily flawless.

6 - Adequate

Essays earning a score of 6 adequately respond to the prompt, taking a position and developing the position with appropriate evidence. The writing may contain lapses in diction and syntax, but generally the prose is clear.

5 - Inconsistent

Essays earning a score of 5 provide uneven, inconsistent, or limited arguments and/or evidence. The writing may contain lapses in diction and syntax, but it usually conveys the student's ideas.

4 - Inadequate

Essays earning a score of 4 inadequately respond to the prompt. They may have difficulty taking a position or the evidence may be insufficient.  The prose generally conveys the student's ideas but may suggest immature control of writing.

2 - Little Success

Essays earning a score of 2 demonstrate little success in taking a position and supporting a position with appropriate evidence. These essays may misunderstand the prompt or substitute a simpler task by responding to the prompt tangentially with unrelated, inaccurate, or inappropriate evidence. The prose often demonstrates consistent weakness in writing.

Special Notes: 9's and 7's are prettier 8's and 6's; 3's and 1's are uglier 4's and 2's. 5's must show some evidence of "6-ishness." A really good 4 is a 4+, not a 5.

Agenda, April 4

No Foolin': Just War Essay Deadline changed to Monday, 4/8
Due Monday, 4/8: Vocab Ex

Due Tomorrow: Reading 3 anchor papers, justify the score

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!
  1. Argumentative Time Write Strategies
  2. Timed Write: 40 minutes exactly. Use every minute, even if you think you've finished early.
  3. Essay questions?
  4. All logos, all the time 
  5. Multiple choice discussion and answers

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Agenda, April 3

Due Now: "The Prince," by Niccolo Machiavelli, from 50 Essays, 1st Edition. Add it to your Bib.
Due Friday: Just War Essay

Due Monday, 4/8: Vocab Ex

Coming Tomorrow: Argumentative Timed Write
Coming Thursday Night: Reading 3 anchor papers
  1. Essay questions?
  2. Multiple choice practice
  3.  The Prince small group discussion review
  4. All logos, all the time

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Agenda, April 2

Due Now: "The Prince," by Niccolo Machiavelli, from 50 Essays, 1st Edition. Add it to your Bib.
Due Friday: Just War Essay

Due Monday, 4/8: Vocab Ex

  1.  The Prince small group discussions 
  2. Multiple choice practice
  3. All logos, all the time
  4. Somebody ask me about the Oregon Writer's Festival
  5. Essay questions?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Vocab Ex

Sittin’ on the Fence
Words for the Indecisive
Due Monday, April 8

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

  1. Ambiguous
  2. Ambivalent
  3. Apathetic
  4. Arbitrary
  5. Capricious
  6. Equivocate
  7. Indifferent
  8. Spontaneous
  9. Whimsical

It’s a Small World, After All
Words for the Insignificant

  1. Inconsequential
  2. Superficial
  3. Tenuous
  4. Trivial

April is National Poetry Month

... so the world has challenged you to write one poem a day during the month of April. If you'd like to join OCPoWriMo, e-mail your poem to me and I'll publish it.

If you just like to read poetry, there are four years worth of poetry for your reading pleasure.

Agenda, April 1

Due Now: Vocab? Nein!
Due Now: "The Prince," by Niccolo Machiavelli, from 50 Essays, 1st Edition. Add it to your Bib.
Due Now: Just War Essay

Due Monday, 4/8: Vocab Ex
  1. Collect War Essays
  2. How I Spent My Spring Vacation
  3. Vocab Ate and Nein Review
  4. Open Disco on The Prince