Monday, April 1, 2013

Agenda, April 1

Due Now: Vocab? Nein!
Due Now: "The Prince," by Niccolo Machiavelli, from 50 Essays, 1st Edition. Add it to your Bib.
Due Now: Just War Essay

Due Monday, 4/8: Vocab Ex
  1. Collect War Essays
  2. How I Spent My Spring Vacation
  3. Vocab Ate and Nein Review
  4. Open Disco on The Prince


  1. Wait! What?????!!!! I thought the war essay was due on Friday, not today? Did I miss something huge here??!!

  2. Pretty sure it's still due Friday-look at the most recent post of the schedule...

  3. Yeah, that was Mr. Kline's idea of a funny April Fools Prank, but I didn't figure that out until after I had posted :P

  4. Honestly, I think that was everybody's idea of a funny April Fool's prank, don't you?

  5. Well it was funny after I figured it out, but it made me think more of Halloween for the scare factor when I first read it and didn't associate the date of April Fools with the joke. Hahaha.
