Monday, January 20, 2014

Structural Rhetorical Analysis Strategy

1)   Introduction: Sum up the essay in one or two sentences. Consider both the general idea of the essay and the purpose. Be sure to include the author’s name and the title of the essay.
2)   Divide the essay into beginning, middle, and end. The middle may have several parts.
3)   Body: Write a paragraph about the beginning. How does the author invite us in? How does the author set us up for what’s to come? What strategies does the author use?
4)   Body: Write a paragraph (or several shortish paragraphs) about the middle. How does the author build the argument? What strategy does she employ first? How does she transition from idea to idea, strategy to strategy? How do the parts in the middle expand and develop the purpose?
5)   Conclusion: Write a paragraph about the closing. How does the closing emphasize, illuminate, or elaborate upon the purpose? Does the closing connect back to the beginning? Why? Keep your eyes open for the “wrinkle.”

ALL Paragraphs (except the intro) should offer examples of rhetorical strategies –  directly quoted and properly punctuated – and explore their effect on the reader.

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