Tuesday, March 31, 2020

April is National Poetry Month!

Hello, writers!

April, as the blog post says, is National Poetry Month. Somebody - I'm not sure who - has challenged us to write a poem a day every day in the month of April. I've done it before; it's both incredibly fun and surprisingly exhausting.

I'm giving it a shot again this year. If you want to join me, I'll post a prompt to the blog each day. You can ignore the prompt, of course, and write whatever you're inspired to write. 

You can share it with me or you can keep it private. Either way, happy April!

Prompt 1: Write a poem of any length that uses the following words (in any place in the poem). You may change the form of the word in any way that pleases you.


Special bonus challenge: use the words more than once, playing with their multiple meanings.


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