Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vocab Ate

It’s Getting Better
Words to Make You Feel Good
Due Thursday, November 10

1.     Alleviate
2.     Asylum
3.     Auspicious
4.     Benevolent
5.     Benign
6.     Mollify
7.     Reclamation
8.     Sanction

Bonus Point – Tell me why the following sentence is funny: The students were happy when the principal agreed to sanction the use of cell phones in class.

Liar, Liar
When the Truth is in Question

1.     Dubious
2.     Fabricated
3.     Hypocrisy
4.     Slander
5.     Spurious


  1. My little brother fabricates stories of monsters in his room to eschew bedtime.

  2. Re: bonus point - it's funny because no high school students would really petition the principal to remove cell phone privileges.

    I said the dog ate my homework, but the teacher found my story dubious.

  3. The old woman’s benign smile made it easy to approach her and ask for help.

  4. It was hypocrisy to see the vegetarian eating meat.

  5. The ice pack was used to alleviate the pain on her back.

  6. The principal had to seek asylum from the students she had once lorded over when she revoked their cell phone privileges.

    It's funny because the meaning of "sanction" is to give an action binding legal puissance. It is unclear whether the principle will allow their use in class or enforce the existing rules more strictly.

  7. Her benevolent gesture, a simple touch, was the best thing anyone could have done for me.

  8. Political ads are filled with slander.

  9. Ardyce was placed in an asylum after one of her schizophrenic episodes.

  10. One: I like the title of this vocab.

    Two: BONUS: It's funny because sanction has a connotation of being a penalty or discipline. So the principal could really be disciplining the students for cell phone use.

    Three: It was pure hypocrisy when she said that she never lied.

  11. The cars were not selling well, not a particularly auspicious start for a special edition.

    Bonus: It is funny because sanction has 2 possible meanings: to grant permission (which the students would be happy about) or to regulate/penalize for (which the students wouldn't be so thrilled about). We don't really know at all what's happening in that sentence.

  12. I listened to The Proclaimers all night to alleviate the pain of the day.

  13. Everyone knows that Michael Jackson’s nose is very spurious.

  14. The US hypocrisy towards Iran’s nuclear program is amazing, considering the US is the only nation on earth that has used nuclear weapons in war. The us also is the largest holder and supplier of Nuclear Weapons.

  15. He tried to alleviate his little sister’s sorrow by buying her an ice cream cone.

  16. Even though the student forgot her homework, her teacher was benign.
    Bonus Point – Tell me why the following sentence is funny: The students were happy when the principal agreed to sanction the use of cell phones in class.
    >It's funny and ironic because a principal would never approve and encourage kids to use cell phones during class time.<

  17. Nerd Hunk finds asylum from homework in practicing his banjo.

  18. She would always bake something to alleviate the stresses of the day.

    Bonus: The sentence is funny because it is not specified which of sanction's two meanings are implied. It can either mean to approve or to discipline for.

  19. Although well fabricated, the girl’s lie ultimately failed her.

  20. The tree house we used to play in everyday was our asylum from the bad guys.

  21. Dorothy searched for asylum in the tornado-wrought Kansas.

  22. I feel dubious about going on that blind date my ex-boyfriend set up.

  23. I find that getting my homework done ahead of time alleviates stress.

  24. Many agents in the CIA are not benevolent; they are double agents.

  25. While being on trial, he was slandered regularly; ruining his reputation throughout the process.
    Ally Jones

  26. The one percent even had the audacity to claim that their accusations were spurious and only for attention.

  27. The witiness's story sounded fabricated.

  28. The load was alleviated when a man helped me carry the logs.

  29. My rambunctious son surprisingly mollified around the baby ducklings.

  30. Typically benign in fixing Barty’s mistakes, the eraser couldn’t afford to shed any more shavings and ignored his several attempts to undo an illegible letter.

  31. I easily shared my benign smile with the doctor after he told me the tumor was benign.

  32. The smooth jazz was her asylum, was her escape, was her bliss.

  33. Bonus:
    Sanction:1.A threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule 2. Official permission or approval for an action.
    1st:It's funny because the principal is supposedly giving the students the right for cell phone usage when the have broke the rule. When they are obeying punished with cell phone usage for using their cell phones.

  34. Her friend did her homework for her, alleviating her workload.

  35. In psychology, seven seems to be an auspicious number.

  36. The Advil helped alleviate the pain from my headache.
