Sunday, February 8, 2015

Vocab Styx


Words for Going too Far

Due Wednesday, February 18

OPTIONAL: Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each word. 
REQUIRED: Post one sentence as a comment below. The sentence you post must begin with an introductory clause that begins with the word "Although."

Extra Credit (in the form of my eternal admiration): Post a sentence that includes an allusion to Greek mythology OR the 70s/80s era band Styx.

  1. ebullience
  2. effusive 
  3. egregiously
  4. flagrant
  5. frenetic
  6. gratuitous
  7. superfluous


  1. When you say due Monday, January 13th, do you mean of the year 2020?

    1. You have my effusive thanks! That appears to be an egregious error in proofreading on my part.

  2. Although she had been laying on the couch watching tv for the last two hours, the second my sister hears the crunching of the gravel driveway, she frantically races to the kitchen and attempts to do the dishes within the next 30 seconds.

  3. The sentence seems awkward, but I can't figure out how to fix it. Any suggestions?

    Although King Minos deserved what he received for deceiving Poseidon, the birth of the Minotaur was quite egregious.

  4. Although my ebullience was evident coming home from dance practice, I really wanted to curl up in bed, avoid my homework, and take a nap.

    According to my parents, it would be gratuitous to pass up tickets to see Styx in concert.

  5. Although many consider the band Styx’ use of electronic undertones in songs like “Mr. Roboto” and “Too Much Time On My Hands,” gratuitous, I love the songs, and see these undertones as a display of the band’s ebullience.

  6. Although Athena turning Medusa into a Gorgon was a bit superfluous, the release of the Styx album "Paradise Theater" definitely wasn't.

  7. Although Odysseus was an egregious man, the men he decided to kill deserved the wrath of death anyway.

  8. Although the boy's outfit was flagrant to the other students, he was still allowed to participate in the annual school activity.

  9. Although I can find everything in it, my room is a flagrant mess.

  10. Although my ebullient attitude wasn't quite vivid, deep inside, I was rejoicing that I was finally going to wash the dishes once again!

  11. Although the effusive "Come Sail Away" played as Charon ferried the souls of the dead across the river Styx, the dead were anything but pleased.

  12. Although Charon's music choice for crossing the Styx seems like a flagrant mistake in the passengers' opinion, I'm sure the upbeat tune of "Come Sail Away" fills Hades' ferryman with ebullience.

  13. Although the tales in Greek mythology are engaging, the gratuitous brutality at times make the reader reluctant to continue.

  14. My younger cousin frenetically hopped around on one foot after his mother ebulliently told him the macaroni and cheese was ready.

  15. Although the Pug can be quite frenetic, they are still amazing dogs.

  16. Although the service was quite egregious, we still left a fairly gratuitous tip.

  17. The Greek Gods are offended very easily; almost every insult is seen to be very egregious in their eyes.

  18. Although Polly was trying hard to be full of ebullience at the wedding, she still cried in the bathroom because Stacy stole her man.

  19. Although I love my little sister, I can’t handle her when she gets in the mood to frenetically bounce around the house.

  20. Although I have an embarrassingly superfluous knowledge of Percy Jackson, it was too hard for me to choose just one allusion to Greek mythology to write about.

    1. Wait, I'd like to change mine:
      Although I have an embarrassingly superfluous knowledge of Percy Jackson, it is too hard for me to choose just one allusion to Greek mythology to write about.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Ben's gratuitous comments about his dislike for the head manager at Waverly Country Club will not be missed, but his unique ways of making time pass will.

  23. Although the soul was already distressed by his own death, he became even more agitated by the egregiously rude ghost who sat near him on the ferry to the Underworld.

  24. Although his exterior seemed ebullient at times, Mr. Roboto was just a man looking for somewhere to hide so he could keep himself alive.

  25. Although as the water looked back it had not shared the effusive love Narcissus had had for himself, the flower serves occasionally to remind the pool of his fatal fascination.

  26. My synthesis essay was the cause of my frenetic actions all weekend; everyone knew I was panicking.

  27. Although my grandmother's effusive hugs are a direct result of her presence, I do not always enjoy them.

    Although the sun can bring bring discomfort in its extreme heat, I feel ebullient when I wake up with its rays cast across my room.

    Although I spent many hours developing my synthesis paper, I have started to notice some egregious errors that I ignored before.

    Although he appreciated the company of others, his roommate's flagrant sense of humor is growing old.

    Although she had prepared several activities for her child's party, the kids insisted on sugar-driven frenetic disaster.

    Although society has developed rapidly since the early 1900's, gratuitous acts of racism still occur regularly.

    Although he had been under the legal limit, the officer insisted he participate in a variety of superfluous tests.

  28. My dad becomes egregiously ebullient when listening to Styx's often gratuitously frenetic albums (which in my opinion expresses his flagrant bad taste) so I am always effusive when he finally turns the superfluously loud music off.

  29. My effusive attitude is prevalent whenever my mother cooks me dinner.
    -Mark Pedersen

  30. Although people may think it is superfluous of me to complete such a gratuitous assignment, effusively implement vocabulary, egregiously post such a sentence, all the while being a flagrant attention hog, I say to them: I'd rather ebulliently write this sentence now and learn from it than be frenetic during the AP Lang test; I don't want to be like Koalemos.

  31. Although I had been crying just ten minutes before, the ebullience I felt at the basketball game entertained the spectators; I was extremely cheerful and energetic.

  32. She expressed her thanks effusively, vigorously shaking the man's hand after he gave her the money she was short for a bus ride home.

  33. Miranda Carver-
    My ellubient parents were effusive upon my return home from my two week vacation.

  34. Although Cerberus is often seen as a frenetic guard with flagrant breath egregiously guarding the Underworld, he does show his soft, puppy-like self if you happen to be carrying a T-Rex's tibia with you.

  35. We stretched, took some deep breaths, and sat bravely on the floor surrounding our egregariously tinseled Christmas tree - my siblings and I prepared ourselves to give the best performance to ever reach Broadway: Feigned Ebullience in the Name of Grandma’s Knitted Scarves.

  36. The internet's flagrant disregard for the following students' hard work is shocking and disconcerting:

    Lexie E:
    Although my aunt loves St. Patrick's day, it was gratuitous for her to send me a present for the holiday.

    Maurie H:
    Listening to Portland Trailblazer trade rumors leaves me feeling more frenetic than Garrett ranting about the Nissan GTR.

    Whitney I:
    I was appalled by my uncle's flagrant taste in music after he spent the evening arguing The Styx as a band more iconic than The Beatles.

    Luda V:
    My two year old sister, Diana, radiated with ebullience while she ran up and down the walls of my bedroom, in other worlds: she had already found and devored my not-so-well hidden candy stash.
