Sunday, February 7, 2016

Agenda, February 8

  • Due Now: "How It Feels to Be Colored Me" by Zora Neale Hurston
  • Due Tomorrow: Division and Classification Outline. Pick one of your Division and Classification brainstorms and develop it into a formal outline. Instead of an introduction, write your claim / purpose. You need a minimum of four body paragraphs, though you may have more. For the body paragraphs, write a complete topic sentence followed by two bullet-pointed supporting details. Please label each body paragraph as a division or classification. Write a fully developed conclusion that makes your "So what?" clear. Please don't write a summary conclusion. Your audience is the student body of OCHS. Typed. Single-spaced okay.
  • Due Now: Optional Synthesis Revision. You probably need more evidence. 
  1. Permission slips?? Pretty please?
  2. Yes, you can
  3. Some model conclusions
  4. How do we start to talk about Hurston?

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