Monday, February 11, 2013

Agenda, February 11

Due Now: Common Place 5
Due Now: Optional revision of Poor Synthesis. Highlight your changes.
Due Now: Johnny Got His Gun, Chapters 1 and 2
Due Tomorrow: JGHG, Chapters 3 and 4
Due Tuesday, 2/19: Vocab Sticks
Due Tuesday, 2/19: Develop one of your outlines into a 750-900 word essay. Your audience is the OCHS Literary Magazine staff and the student body of OCHS. Include three rhetorical strategies from the Virtual Salt, underlined and labeled. Include your word count in your  header. Follow MLA format.
  1. Two opportunities from Oregon Humanities: Writing and Learning.
  2. Show, Don't Tell
  3. Common Place Partner Check. Finally!
  4. While I was reading, I noticed ...
  5. Fastest TEP ever
  6. The Structure of Chapter 2

1 comment:

  1. So I am trying to add "Johnny Got His Gun" to my bibliography, but I am so lost in the information other than author and title because there are about a bazillion different dates and such and I do not know which on to use. Has anyone figured this out yet?

