Thursday, February 7, 2013

Agenda, February 7

Due Now: Common Place 5
Due Now: Outline for Cause and Effect Essay: Your choice: Multi-paragraph introduction OR full conclusion (focus on your weakness, not your strength - DO NOT do both); body with topic sentences only, followed with two details; thesis at the beginning or "So What?" at the end, depending on whether you wrote an intro or a conclusion. Typed. Single spaced ok. NO 5 paragraph essays.
Due Monday, 2/11: Optional revision of Poor Synthesis. Highlight your changes.
Due Monday, 2/11: Johnny Got His Gun, Chapters 1 and 2
  • If you earned a score of C or lower, you must add two full paragraphs or I won't re-score it.
  • If you earned a score of B or B-, you must add at least one full paragraph or I won't re-score it.
  • If you earned a score of "High B" or above, check with me before the end of the day on Thursday if you decide not to add a full paragraph.
You may submit a revised Works Cited even if you don't revise your essay.
  1. Idea Lab
  2. State Writing Assessment - As much time as you need.
  3. Common Place Partner Check


  1. does deleting a paragraph and completely rewriting it count as adding a new paragraph?

  2. Nope. It's probably a good idea if your original paragraph was ineffective, but it doesn't make your argument any more thorough.

  3. So one of my problems was establishing Lars Eighner as a credible source. I know he is an essayist and fiction writer, but I don't know what to put as something to establish him. I tried looking it up and didn't get anything helpful online... Help please!!


    1. By the way, Mr. Kline's comment was "what makes him an expert on homelessness?" I can't just put that he was homeless atone point, can I?

    2. Who's more credible, an essayist and fiction writer or a person who's experienced homelessness?

    3. How would I phrase that is my question. It seems like saying "According to Lars Eighner, homeless man,..." wouldn't work very well.

  4. © 2013 Dr. Amy K. Glasmeier and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Site created by West Arete
    web address:

    So this is all the information I have for one of my sites. Is it possible to have a publication year only (2013) on my works cited? Also, which part would be the publisher? Would it be MIT, and Dr. Glasmeier would be the author? I am so confused...

  5. Glassmeier is the author; MIT is the publisher; 2013 is the date of posting. You're not that confused at all.
