Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Rhetorical Question ...

Consider the two following sentences:

1) I sit here in frantic disbelief as I watch my precious seconds, minutes, hours of sleep slip away.

2)  I sit here in frantic disbelief as I watch my precious hours, minutes, seconds of sleep slip away.

Both are excellent sentences, but they have different effects. What's the difference? Just curious.


  1. The first one makes it seems like time just keeps going and going, as if you will never fall asleep.
    I don't think the second one has a very strong effect... but I don't know quite what it is supposed to do.... maybe it makes time seem more important? because seconds are last? and every second counts?

  2. Number one elongates the effect of the time slipping away, as it expands to show a greater amount of time fading, whereas number two makes each unit of time, hours, minutes, seconds, more intolerable and unbearable, as it focuses in on the smaller, daunting seconds.

  3. Ooooh ... this is fun. Keep 'em coming!

  4. I'm with James. :)

  5. I like James response! Makes more sense than mine! haha

  6. The first one makes it seem like times flying by. The second one makes it seem really slow.
