Thursday, April 28, 2011

Is There an Expert in the House?

These talks are intended to be well prepared but informal. If you need to pass a speech in order to meet graduation requirements, let me know in advance. Presentations that will be scored for state standards require a formal introduction and conclusion. All presentations should be in the 3-4 minute range. Your presentation should address all three of the elements listed below.

The schedule listed below is flexible. Your presentation will NOT be moved up, but it might be postponed. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

Required Elements:
1.     Just the facts, ma’am. Think SOAPStone. Who is the author? What is the context? What is the story or subject of the essay? What is the purpose?

2.     What is the dominant rhetorical strategy the author uses? For example, logos is the dominant rhetorical strategy Thomas Jefferson employs in “The Declaration of Independence.” (His tone, diction, and structure are significant as well.) Explain how this rhetorical strategy affects the reader and helps the author achieve his or her purpose. If you want to impress, you could also discuss one or two less important devices (but no more than three total, please).

3.     Why does it matter? First, how is this essay useful / irrelevant to readers today? Is the writer addressing an issue that still plagues us or a problem that we’ve solved? Second, how can you use this essay on an exam? 

Presentation Schedule:
Tuesday, May 3:
1. Kathleen
2. Philip
3. Lauren
4. Erin B
5. Emileigh
6. Whitney
7. Missy
8. Stevie

Wednesday, May 4:
1. Sarah
2. Erin C.
4. Katie
5. Rachael
6. Mariah H
7. Morgan
8. Mackenzie
9. Jordan

Thursday, May 5:
1. Melanie
2. Kaleigh
3. Shaina
4. Stephanie
5. Nathan
6. Megan
7. Eliot
8. Taylor
9. Myria

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Agenda, April 28

Due Now: Know your tone terms   
Due Monday, May 2: War Essay Revisions (it would be wise to visit with me before you revise)

Administration has asked me to remind you to show up 30 minutes prior to the beginning of your exam, for both morning and afternoon exams.

Coming Friday: Multiple Choice Practice 

  1. Periodic Questions (5 min. max)
  2. Timed Write (45-55 minutes)
  3. Tone Groups

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Agenda, April 27

Due Now: Periodic Sentences, Exercises 1-3
Due Now: Know your tone terms

Due Monday, May 2: War Essay Revisions (it would be wise to visit with me before you revise)

Coming Thursday: Timed write
Coming Friday: Multiple Choice Practice 

  1. 826 Valencia
  2. Periodic Sentences
  3. Tone Sort

Monday, April 25, 2011

Agenda, April 26

Due Now: Bibliography in hand
Due Now: Annotated Ridiculist

Due Wednesday: Finish Periodic Sentences
Due Wednesday: Know your tone terms

Due Monday, May 2: War Essay Revisions (it would be wise to visit with me before you revise)

  1. Bibliography work continued
  2. Essay Expert Sign Up
  3. A Little Logos
  4. Periodic / Cumulative Sentences

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Agenda, April 25

Due Now: Bibliography in hand
Due Now: Annotated Ridiculist
Due Tomorrow: Bring Bibliography and Ridiculist
Due Wednesday: Know your tone terms
Due Monday, May 2: War Essay Revisions

  1. Where do we go from here? - Timed Writes
  2. War Essays Returned
  3. Where do we go from here? - Ridiculist
  4. Where have we been? Bibliography

You gotta love technology

I don't know what's up with the "If you want to cite" post; it looks correct when I edit it but it's definitely wrong when it's published. Go figure. Here, he said hopefully, is the info you need:

Title of Anthology:
Short Takes: Model Essays for Composition

Elizabeth Penfield

City of Publication:
New York

Pearson Longman

Year of Publication:

As I mentioned in the previous post, you have the authors, titles, and page numbers you need. See you tomorrow!

Friday, April 22, 2011

For the Incurably Curious

Try this:

Or this:

And for you visual learners:

Can you imagine some sadistic teacher expected me to make one of these things out of tape and paper? Sheesh.

If you want to cite ...

Here's the bibliographic info for Short Takes, where I found all of the essays for the Rhetorical Modes packets. I use different essays every year, so I'm not actually sure which essays we read. You should have the titles, authors, and page numbers in your packets.

Title of Anthology:
Short Takes: Model Essays for Composition
Elizabeth Penfield
City of Publication:
New York 
Pearson Longman 
Year of Publication:

Agenda, April 22

Due Friday: Vocab 12 and 13
Due Monday: Your bibliography, in hand
Due Monday: Your annotated Ridiculist 

Due Wednesday: Be ready to talk about the Tone words
  1. Score Yourself
  2. What does it all mean?
  3. Vocab Sentences
  4. Don't use that tone with me, young lady!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Agenda, April 21

Due Friday: Vocab 12 and 13
Due Monday: Your bibliography, in hand
Due Monday: Your annotated Ridiculist 

Synthesis Circles

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Agenda, April 20

Due Friday: Vocab 12 and 13
Due Monday: Your bibliography, in hand
Due Monday: Your annotated Ridiculist 

Arguing in Circles

Agenda, April 19

Due Friday: Vocab 12 and 13
Due Monday: Your bibliography, in hand
Due Monday: Your annotated Ridiculist

  1. Multiple Choice Questions? Get it?
  2. MC: Where do we go from here?
  3. Rhetorical Analysis Scoring

Monday, April 18, 2011

Vocab 12 and 13

Do the complete assignment only for the words you need to know. Be sure to post one sentence from each list (12 and 13).

Ways of Knowing
Words for the Wise

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

1.     Acquired
2.     Conception
3.     Conviction
4.     Dogmatic
5.     Enlightening
6.     Impression
7.     Intuition
8.     Misconception
9.     Perception
10.  Perspective
11.  Profound

On the Road Again
Words for Those on the Move

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

1.     Elusive
2.     Emigrate
3.     Transient
4.     Transitory

Best Friends Forever
Words for the Easy-to-Get-Along-With

1.     Affable
2.     Amenable
3.     Camaraderie
4.     Cordial
5.     Facetious

Under the Weather
Words for When You’re Feeling Down

1.     Impinge
2.     Lament
3.     Melancholy
4.     Sanction (again)
5.     Truncated


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Agenda, April 18

Due Now: Take home practice exam, for those who took it home
Due Friday: Vocab 12 and 13
Due Monday: Your bibliography, in hand
Due Monday: Your annotated Ridiculist

  1. Practice Exam Check-in
  2. Multiple Choice Answers
  3. Multiple Choice Questions
  4. Multiple Choice Good news

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Agenda, April 15

Due Now: Vocab 9-11
Due at noon: You. Here. Two pencils. Two pens. No food. No water. No phones.
Due Monday: Completed practice exam.

  1. OCPoWriMo
  2. Practice test Q&A

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Agenda, April 14, 2011

Due Now: RA Packet
Due Now: Argumentative Packet
Due Friday: Vocab 9 -11. Be sure to post.
Due Friday: Your taxes.

Sudden change in plans: Practice Exam Friday (12:00 - 3:30). Come prepared. Two pencils, two pens, a watch, no food, no cell phones.
The Ridiculist - quick overview
  • Add Ibid and Op. Cit. 
  • Find your Bibliography. Print a new one if you need to. 

For those about to not test, we salute you
Claim - Reason - Warrant - Backing - Grounds
Multiple Choice Q&A
RA / Arg Scoring 

Agenda, April 13

Due Thursday: RA Packet
Due Thursday: Argumentative Packet
Due Friday: Vocab 9 -11. Be sure to post.

Sudden change in plans: Practice Exam Friday (12:00 - 3:30). Come prepared. Two pencils, two pens, a watch, no food, no cell phones.

  1. Argu-no-e-ment Timed Write (last one 'til Friday!)
  2. The Ridiculist
  • Add Ibid and Op. Cit. 
  • Find your Bibliography. Print a new one if you need to.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Agenda, April 12

Due Thursday: RA Packet
Due Thursday: Argumentative Packet
Due Friday: Vocab 9 -11. Be sure to post.
  1. Democracy in Action: Practice Exam Friday (12:00 - 3:30) or Saturday (8:00 - 11:30)? Majority rules.
  2. MC Practice (12 Minutes)
  3. Rhetorical Analysis Timed Write (45 minutes). Focus on the effect.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Vocab 9 - 11

Define the words you need to define. Write a sentence for each of those words. Post one sentence from each list (9, 10, and 11).

Vocab 9
Sittin’ on the Fence
Words for the Indecisive

1.     Ambiguous
2.     Ambivalent
3.     Apathetic
4.     Arbitrary
5.     Capricious
6.     Equivocate
7.     Indifferent
8.     Spontaneous
9.     Whimsical

It’s a Small World, After All
Words for the Insignificant

1.     Inconsequential
2.     Superficial
3.     Tenuous
4.     Trivial

Vocab 10
I Will Survive
Words for the Strong Willed

1.     Assiduous
2.     Compelling
3.     Diligent
4.     Dogged
5.     Endure
6.     Intrepid
7.     Maverick
8.     Obdurate
9.     Obstinate
10.  Proliferate
11.  Tenacity
12.  Vitality

Vocab 11
Go With the Flow
Words for the Weak Willed

1.     Assimilation
2.     Consensus
3.     Context
4.     Derived
5.     Incumbent
6.     Inevitable
7.     Malleable
8.     Subdue

Feeling at Home
Words for the Comfortable

1.     Inherent
2.     Innate
3.     Inveterate
4.     Omnipotent
5.     Proximity

Agenda, April 11

Due Now: Argument: Chapter 8, 18, and 19 
Due Wednesday at 2 pm: Go to the auditorium to pre-register. 
Due Friday: Vocab 9 - 11 

This Saturday: Practice Exam. Doors open at 7:30. Close at 7:55. Fun begins at 8:00.
  1. Special Guests! (he said hopefully)
  2. Multiple Choice Practice (24 mins)
  3. Argument Discussion
  4. Rhetorical Analysis Advice

Friday, April 8, 2011

Agenda, April 8

Due Now: Synthesis Packet
Due Now: Vocab 8
Due Now: A Perfect Score on your Multiple Choice Practice
Due Monday: Argument: Chapter 8, 18, and 19 

  1. Vocab Sharing
  2. Synthesis Calibration
  3. Synthesis Scoring
  4. Rhetorical Analysis Hints

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Agenda, April 7

Due Now: Synthesis Packet
Due Tomorrow: Vocab 8
Due Tomorrow: A Perfect Score on your Multiple Choice Practice
Due Monday: Argument: Chapter 8, 18, and 19
  1. Multiple Choice Practice (12 minutes)
  2. Argument, Ch. 7 (Hard Evidence v. Reasoning; Syllogisms; USA Today)
  3. Wrap up Arguments
  4. Synth. Callibration and Scoring

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Agenda, April 6

Due Tomorrow: Read and score Synthesis Packet
Due Tomorrow: Bring Everything's an Argument
Due Friday: Vocab 8
Due Monday: Argument, Ch. 8, 18, and 19
  1. Forecasting Questions
  2. Rhetorical Scoring Wrap Up
  3. Argumentative Scoring Wrap Up
  4. Multiple Choice Practice

Monday, April 4, 2011

Agenda, April 5

Due Thursday: Read and score synthesis essays
Due Thursday: Bring Everything's an Argument
Due Friday: Vocab 8

Due Monday, April 11: Everything's an Argument, Ch 8, Ch 18 & 19

  1. Quiz Style Seating, Please
  2. Synthesis Strategies
  3. Synthesis Timed Write
  4. OCPoWriMo as time allows

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Agenda, April 4

Due Now: Hmmm ... I forget. Something big, I think, but I'm not sure.
Due Now: Everything's an Argument, Ch 4-7
Due Wednesday: Bring Everything's an Argument
Due Friday: Vocab 8
Due Monday, April 11: Everything's an Argument, Ch 8, Ch 18 & 19

Saturday, April 16: Practice exam. Doors open at 7:30. Doors close at 7:55. Test begins at 8:00. Bring pencils and pens.

  1. A hearty congratulations!
  2. Argument Discussion
  3. Argument scoring

Hungry? Try Vocab Ate

Crafty, Crafty
Words for Sneaking Around
Due Friday, April Ate

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

1.     Astute
2.     Clandestine
3.     Coup
4.     Disingenuous
5.     Ruse
6.     Stratagem
7.     Surreptitiously
8.     Wary
9.     Wily