Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hungry? Try Vocab Ate

Crafty, Crafty
Words for Sneaking Around
Due Friday, April Ate

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

1.     Astute
2.     Clandestine
3.     Coup
4.     Disingenuous
5.     Ruse
6.     Stratagem
7.     Surreptitiously
8.     Wary
9.     Wily


  1. The astute trucker, after running over the turtle, realized that he could take it to a taxidermist and have it mounted on his wall.

  2. The family dog is rotund because she surreptitiously sneaks food under the table for him. Then again, so does everyone else. kathleen karpal

  3. The truck driver organized a truck driving coup, targeting the turtles of the world.

    ~rachael s

  4. I become wary when I am watching Criminal Minds, for I will not allow anyone to turn the television off on me.

    - MeShine, who is loving Criminal Minds!!

  5. The Mustard Prince was behind the coup that dethroned the Ketchup King - none in the Condiment Kingdom could have predicted such results.

  6. The old man walked around town with his cane looking in shop windows with a deceiving eye; everyone said he was wily.

    @Melanie- Awesome!

  7. The devised stratagem fooled the girl into tripping and falling into the ditch.

  8. Charlie Brown was wary of kicking the football after Lucy had tricked him many times before.

  9. John's parents became concerned with their son's clandestine behavior so it led them to a search through his room- they found a baggie of black tar heroin and a pistol.

    Taylor Peck

  10. Wary of the suspicious little girls approaching his front porch, the man quickly ensured all the doors were locked, barely escaping the ominous threat emanating from their dozens of boxes of cookies.

  11. @Taylor - Just as long as they didn't find any cookies.

  12. The wily student turned the entire class against their teacher after he made one fatal remark on girl scout cookies.

  13. @Meeker - Wily, eh? Like a coyote, maybe.

  14. I surreptitiously tip toed into class late, stealth like a ninja, and was marked on time.

  15. The stratagem ended our fighting. While he was in the shower, I poured a whole bucket of cold water on him.

    -Philip Nguyen

  16. Once, he went out at night after he thought she was asleep, and she followed him surreptitiously.

  17. Cheetos in his pillowcases, strawberry wafers in his socks, Hershey's Chocolate in his PS3 console; he felt corrupt about his clandestine grub-hiding, but with parents like his, how else would he get his daily serving of junk food? (Needless to say, the chocolate melted after four highly intense hours of COD)

  18. The boy always seemed to have wily ideas, crafting up these decitful schemes.

    whitney hood

  19. Sherlock Holmes can often see through the disingenuous façade of his clients.

  20. Jack and Jill’s clandestine note–passing under the table went on for one week until, the 2nd grade teacher caught them and read the note out loud to the class.
    -Mariah Hubbard

  21. The candestine plan fo the birthday party all paid off with the shocked look on her face.
    Missy gehring

  22. The students' coup against NBL was a fail and they were forced to take more AP classes as a punishment.
