Sunday, April 10, 2011

Vocab 9 - 11

Define the words you need to define. Write a sentence for each of those words. Post one sentence from each list (9, 10, and 11).

Vocab 9
Sittin’ on the Fence
Words for the Indecisive

1.     Ambiguous
2.     Ambivalent
3.     Apathetic
4.     Arbitrary
5.     Capricious
6.     Equivocate
7.     Indifferent
8.     Spontaneous
9.     Whimsical

It’s a Small World, After All
Words for the Insignificant

1.     Inconsequential
2.     Superficial
3.     Tenuous
4.     Trivial

Vocab 10
I Will Survive
Words for the Strong Willed

1.     Assiduous
2.     Compelling
3.     Diligent
4.     Dogged
5.     Endure
6.     Intrepid
7.     Maverick
8.     Obdurate
9.     Obstinate
10.  Proliferate
11.  Tenacity
12.  Vitality

Vocab 11
Go With the Flow
Words for the Weak Willed

1.     Assimilation
2.     Consensus
3.     Context
4.     Derived
5.     Incumbent
6.     Inevitable
7.     Malleable
8.     Subdue

Feeling at Home
Words for the Comfortable

1.     Inherent
2.     Innate
3.     Inveterate
4.     Omnipotent
5.     Proximity


  1. So we only need to define some terms but on the ones we do define do we need to make up our own definition too? The sentences we do are only for the ones we have to define right?

  2. Correct. Do the standard vocab assignment, but only use the words you don't already know. No matter what, everyone should post one sentence from each list (preferably in the same comment).

  3. Vocab 9:
    The girl was whimsical when it came to her love for animals, first it was horses, then bears, then koalas; the parents finally had to tell a bear was out of the question because he would eat all their honey

    Vocab 10:
    She was never indecisive or flaky, she was extremely tenacious; if she knew what she wanted, she would get it.

    Vocab 11:
    Though he liked to disagree with the republicans, he was an incumbent in their political organization

  4. Vocab 9:
    I am not a tenuous being, but I find that if I were to fall from a building, many would rush to my salvation.

    Vocab 10:
    Even when being faced with a gun, he remains absolutely intrepid.

    Vocab 11:
    Hearts are not malleable; you, men, should not take treating them lightly.


  5. I agree MeShine!

    Vocab 9:
    Mr. Cecil salmon arbitrarily decided to swim downstream one day instead of upstream like all respectable salmon do.

    Vocab 10:
    No matter how difficult the case, the dogged Mystery Incorporated team always solved the riddle.

    Vocab 11:
    Bruce Almighty thought he wanted to be omnipotent until God let him take over for a while and he saw how much work it was.

  6. The spontaneous couple booked a cruise on the Fail Boat to Australia that very night.

    He seemed to be a nice guy but, by the looks of his designer jeans with embroidery, he would be much too superficial.

    The obdurate teenager suck out once again for her weekly cladenstine meeting in the park.

    The truck driver easily tricked the turtles into crossing the road. Turtles have quite malleable minds.

    With Xena, Warrior Princess, on his side, he would be impotent. He would enjoy turtle soup for life.


  7. ^^^
    *snuck* in the 3rd sentence

    *omnipotent* in the last


  8. Vocab 9:
    Unsure of what courses to enroll in her senior year, ambivalence plagued the depths of her soul; she utterly despised forecasting.

    Vocab 10:
    The assiduous turtles, despite the undermining efforts of malicious truck drivers, would not stop until they reached the other side of the treacherous highway.

    Vocab 11:
    After Cocoa passed away, Herman attempted to rid himself of the inveterate habit of talking to his once faithful companion, but to no avail; his neighbors called him crazy.

  9. Vocab. 9
    In the immaculate gallery, a single ambiguous sculpture overwhelmed my mind with its abnormal complexity and lack of realism.

    Vocab. 10
    The obdurate man continued to sit on his couch every Sunday watching his favorite comedy show, despite the desperate pleas from neighbors and friends to have him come to church.

    Vocab. 11
    The omnipotent God of Jacob showed his infinite wonders through signs and miracles.

  10. 9:
    The girl was capricious as she ran through the meadow. Her mother was never quite sure what she would do next.

    Ants proliferate at a disgusting rate; no matter how many you kill, they never cease to crawl on your counter.

    Teenagers are inveterate creatures: space out their desks properly and chaos will emerge, beads of sweat will drip from their foreheads, and frantic, last-minute note-studying will occur.

  11. 9: The turtle was ambivalent as to what path to take in order to avoid being killed by the truck driver, but it crossed nonetheless.

    10: Turtles are known for their dogged perseverance when it comes to crossing roads.

    11: The turtle's shell was made malleable with the truck driver's tire.

  12. 9:George wasn’t having the best day. His apathetic face was the result of not having his morning Cheerios.

    10:The gangster walked with his pants down to his hips. It was such a compelling scene that everyone in Wal-Mart stopped and stared.

    11:The disorganized AP Lang students still have yet to create a consensus as to what the class’s shirts should look like.

    -Philip Nguyen

  13. Her large quantity of gnomes lent a whimsical air to her garden.

    The substitute had tenuous control of her students.

    Nuclear proliferation is something that should be prevented.

    The practice test date was decided by consensus.

    She has an innate talent for playing instruments considering both of her parents were musicians.

    kathleen karpal

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Vocabulary Nine:
    The tenuous assertion made by the student was quickly shot down by her peers - she lacked textual evidence.

    Vocabulary Ten:
    Jeb is a true maverick; he refuses to swim in the main stream.

    Vocabulary Eleven:
    Millicent is an inveterate picker-upper - if it's on the ground, she's picking it up.

  16. Vocab 9: My tenuous claims on Kline's position on Girl Scout Cookies have been rather successful, despite the fact that they are completely unsubstantiated.

    Vocab 10: The teacher's words were taken out of context in order to turn his students against him.

    Vocab 11: The obdurate teacher loomed in his doorway, unmoved by the pleas of the girls in green on his porch, antipathetic to advancement of women and the sweet Samoas they were peddling.

  17. The bunnies were very proliferative; the seemed to reproduce constantly and assiduously. They do this innately; no matter the place, their situation is always populous as they populate the planet.

  18. 9:
    The itch to equivocate had become as widespread and as irresistible as the temptation to fudge on taxes. 

    Unlike his impulsive, obdurate, irresponsible predecessor, Obama is showing patience, earnestness and discipline. 

    Oprah's media stardom and public ministry make her omnipresent as well as omnipotent. 

  19. V9
    • Kline claims there is a pattern to his daily Converse but I believe it’s capricious.
    • When children have tantrums their parents are ideally obdurate.
    • I am sadly inveterate when it comes to procrastination.

    -Mariah Hubbard

  20. -The student was ambivalent when writing her synthesis essay and her paper was covered with scribbles.

    -The couple's tenacious behavior towards one another was repulsive.

    -The teacher was omnipotent with his bellowing voice that could be heard throughout the school

    Katie Stagl!

  21. The weather in Oregon City is capricious especially in te summer with sun one day and rain the next.

    The teacher commended the student for his assiduous work on his project.

    My omnipotent boss smooshed me like a bug with her dictator skills.

    -Jordan Nordlum!
