Saturday, September 8, 2012

Huck Finn, Chapters 22 - 25

Now with NEW! and IMPROVED! accurate page numbers.
  1. Do you agree with Sherburn? Is he a hero or a bully?
  2. Why are the Sherburn speech and the circus in the same chapter?
  3. Why are the King and the Duke named the King and the Duke?
  4. Describe the tone on pages 155-6. What is the effect of the change in tone?
  5. Why do Huck and Jim continue to travel with the King and the Duke?
  6. Consider the juxtaposition of the last two sentences in chapter 24. What is the effect?
  7. Describe the tone on 164-5. What techniques does Twain employ to create this tone?
  8. What are "yaller-boys"?

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