Monday, October 8, 2012

Agenda, October 8

Due Now: "I Want a Wife," by Judy Brady (handout)  
Due Now: Write about a time you experienced injustice. You may have been the victim, the perpetrator, or a bystander. Follow MLA Format.
Due Tomorrow: "No Name Woman," by Maxine Hong Kingston, in 50 Essays.
Due Wednesday, 10/10: "How it Feels" Revisions OR your unrevised hard copy. Highlight all changes in your new draft. DO NOT staple the two versions together; connect them with a paper clip instead.

  1. Injustice Titles
  2. Great lines
  3. Who wouldn't want a wife?
  4. "No Name" Categories: Historical Fact, Information from the Author's Mother, Author's Speculation About Her Aunt, Descriptions of Culture and Tradition, Reflections on the Self, Beautiful / Powerful Writing
  5. No Name Freewrite


  1. Do we find quotes for the No Name categories or state where they are?

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Find quotations, please.
