Friday, April 12, 2013

Agenda, April 12

Due Monday: Everything's an Argument, Chapters 4 and 5
NOT Due: Vocab Leavened
Plan Ahead: Monday, 4/22, AP Lang Exam AFTER SCHOOL in B206.

April is National Poetry Writing Month. Check out OCPoWriMo!

  1. Congratulations are in order!
  2. AP Registration Info: Does everyone in here have a second AP class?
  3. Vocab Leavened
  4. Multiple Choice: 60 minutes exactly. It's okay to guess.


  1. Do we need to bring in Everything's an Argument for class on Monday? I think my copy has formed a serious relationship with the 3-hole punch on my desk and I would hate to be the one to tear them apart and lug him in my backpack to school. But if his services are required for class on Monday, I shall separate him from his love, Holly Hole-Punch (the day I return him to the library will be a tough day).

    1. You won't need your book, but you ought to bring notes. I'm sure someone will have a question and books / notes will be useful.
