Friday, September 27, 2013

Vocab To Deux

I’ll Be the Judge of That:
Words about Evidence, Proof, and Judgment
Due Friday, October 4

Provide the definition for each of the following words that you don’t know. Even if you think you are familiar with the word, you should check its definition to confirm your understanding. For words you need to define, include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words.

Write an original sentence for each word in the list, whether you need to define it or not. Post one sentence as a comment. Please type your work.

1.     biased
2.     exculpate
3.     impartial
4.     incontrovertible
5.     integrity
6.     objectivity
7.     subjectivity
8.     penitent
9.     plausible
10.  substantiated
11.  vindicated


  1. The judge had to exculpate the convicted man due to inconclusive evidence.

  2. I'm pretty sure completing an assignment before it's actually been assigned is against the rules, but I lack any plausible evidence to substantiate such a claim.

  3. The judges of the talent show were biased toward musical acts.

  4. I wish there were witnesses that could help exculpate Kevin Strasser and help him get his teaching and coaching jobs back.

  5. The cop had a penitent look on his face after realizing he placed an innocent man in jail.

  6. There was incontrovertible evidence that the one year old had decided to put his face in the cake.

  7. The evidence that was brought up in the trial was incontrovertible, making it clear the man was guilty.

  8. after cancelling my ticket, the judge appeared to me as a person of integrity and coherence.

  9. There is incontrovertible evidence that if you drop an apple from any height, it will head towards the ground at an increasing velocity.

  10. My sister has integrity because she did not lie when my mom asked her if she ate the missing cookie.

  11. No one dares to question my little sister, because to her, her arguments are incontrovertible.

  12. My sister and I always get in arguments over our clothes, but my dad always knows how to be impartial so that he does not offend either of us.

  13. It was clear the article was written with a bias when it stated Nordstrom sold the ugliest shoes.

  14. The doctor substantiated his claim about the autopsy by providing grisly and colorful photos.

  15. A good argument shows all plausible sides of the issue.

  16. The local farmer convinced his customers to buy his organic produce by making a plausible argument against the use of pesticides.

  17. She was tempted to fake a cold and skip school, but she had integrity, so she decided against it.

  18. By allowing our government to shut down, many Americans would agree that these individuals have a lack of integrity.

  19. If all media remained impartial, there would be a decrease in conflict.

  20. The newly released evidence vindicated the allegations against Jerry.

  21. I should not be able to reference my father for job applications because his review will be biased.

  22. The Politicians’ biased opinions on healthcare and unwillingness to compromise led to a government shutdown.

  23. His impartial ideas drove the teacher crazy!

  24. The referee was very biased towards his own team.

  25. I knew the judge was biased when she declared her friend the winner, even though I did much better.

  26. I knew the judge was biased when she declared her friend the winner, even though I did much better.

  27. The evidence was incontrovertible.

  28. As a judge, remaining impartial to the attitude and appearance of a defendant is often difficult when looking at the case files put on your desk.

  29. The judge had a plausible reason to convict the murderer—his fingerprints were all over the crime scene.

  30. After it was revealed that the police officer was arrested as a teenager, his integrity was seriously compromised.

  31. They were both unable to settle the argument, as they were both biased towards the subject.

  32. The infamous criminal, Jordan Howell, was shockingly penitent for his crimes.

  33. Mr. Smith’s attorney presented enough evidence to exculpate him from his charges.

  34. Despite the evidence against him, the murdering criminal was vindicated of all his charges.

  35. The administration found it difficult to exculpate the student after they were convinced he was guilty.

  36. I knew for a fact that Timothy was the most talented in the talent show. Though, my opinion might be dismissed because of the fact that Timothy is my brother, which made me biased.

  37. My mother may be sweet and understanding, but the words of my stern father are the incontrovertible law of the house.

  38. She failed to offer a plausible explanation as to why her homework wasn't complete.

  39. He never gave a plausible excuse for cheating on his homework.
