Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Vocab 1

Due Monday, January 12
You Talkin’ to Me?
Words About Language and Argument

Provide the definition for each of the following words that you don’t know. Even if you think you are familiar with the word, you should check its definition to confirm your understanding. For words you need to define, include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words.

Write an original sentence for each word in the list, whether you need to define it or not. Post one of your sentences as a comment in this blog post. It's best to post a sentence you're not certain is correct. Be sure to include your name. Please type your work.

Please be careful about plagiarism. For example, it took me less than a minute to google "use clarity in a sentence." I found the sentence "The clarity of the recording is simply marvelous, yet there is enough ambient warmth to reflect the humanity of Williams ' music." Changing that sentence to "The clarity of the song is simply fantastic" does not constitute writing an original sentence. Remember that the purpose of this assignment is to help you use the words properly. 
1.  clarity
2.  cogent
3.  coherent
4.  cohesive
5.  didactic
6.  discourse
7.  eloquence
8.  emphasize
9.  fluid
10.  implication
11.  lucid
12.  rhetoric


  1. Question - should each original sentence, should the vocab word be used as an actual word in the sentence, or be an example of that word as a sentence? - Katie S.

  2. You should use the word in the sentence. You may change the form of the word ("coherent" can become "coherence," for example).

  3. I wanted to make sure I used "clarity" in the correct context below:
    The turtle in John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, shed light on the clarity of the book through its in-depth detail.

    - Brianna B.

  4. This one for fun:
    The implication that he had eaten her mac and cheese was obvious, for she had just gotten back from taking out the trash to find her bowl empty and his mouth traced with cheesy deliciousness. She then smacked him across his self-centered face.
    This one for help:
    My group for the big project isn’t very cohesive, because we can’t agree with one another.
    Did I use "cohesive" correctly?
    Emma A.

  5. After cleaning the oil spill, the lake shone with new clarity; the rocks at the bottom were slimy with algae, and I thought if I reached my hand into the water that I'd be able to touch them.
    -Isabel M.

  6. Monseiur Silva tried to get me to speak French with eloquence. I ended up sounding like a dying toad.
    Alissa Frazier

  7. The clarity of the question gave him a better understanding of the answer.

  8. I struggled with the sentence along with posting this, so hopefully this is semicorrect:
    The pastors didactic teachings opened the congregations hearts and eyes to new things.
    - Sydney T.

  9. I grant you access to my example sentence:
    My great-grandmother, even in her old age, is quite lucid; she can hold up her end of the conversation as well as anyone I know

    -Andrew Bedell.

  10. Help with cohesive: The best friends had become so cohesive that telling one from the other was becoming difficult.
    Emma - I think your use of cohesive is correct.

    Katie S.

  11. During the death of Abraham Windelehoo’s great grandmother, his family came together cohesively, making sure no one had to deal with the pain of loss by themselves.

  12. I switched "didactic" to "didactical" and wanted to see if I used it correctly.
    After having been out all night without her parents’ permission, they talked to her in the morning in a didactical way.
    - Stephanie K.

  13. The original implication was that Dez Bryant made the catch, however, due to lack of clarity, the play was reviewed and the call would be reversed.

  14. Sentence: The dog went to a didactic teacher in order to learn more about the art of eating.
    - Conor C.

  15. The Grapes of Wrath (italicized) can be seen as a didactic novel, warning people of the dangers of capitalism.

  16. My manger left a very didactic note about how to wash golf balls during the winter.


  17. The clarity of the water in the lake was unbelievable, I could see all the way to the bottom.

    ~Nikole Anderson

  18. The didactic elective classes at OCHS are designed to help students learn something new and have fun while doing it. - Garrett Blunt

  19. Didactic: The didactic essay taught readers that selfishness can be dangerous.
    - Nick Rosenberger

  20. The nature program had no didactic value for my cat, who sat mesmerized by the birds fluttering across the screen.


  21. Didactic:

    "The book was both informative and didactic with its approach towards gender equality."

    -Kyle R.

  22. Given my lack of literacy, directions are seldom lucid; it’s only the pictures I ever truly understand.
    ~Rory Gwozdz

  23. When mom walked into the kitchen and saw the sugar and cookie cutter mess she made the implication that Sveta had attempted to bake, yet again.

  24. Steinbeck writes with great eloquence in his novel Grapes of Wrath, having moved an entire population with his words

  25. I struggled with the word discourse and putting it into a sentence.
    The professor of the class could discourse about the history of the United States for a long period of time.- Miranda Carver

  26. The internet decided to prevent these eloquent students from sharing their lucid sentences, which might (or might not) have improved the clarity of our discourse:

    Nate R:
    For an animal that doesn’t speak, my cat has extremely profound rhetoric; she can get me to do whatever she wants.

    Jessica H:
    The implication of some road signs are quite comical due to their obviousness.

    Andrea L:
    His speech had the eloquence that I couldn't achieve with my choppy and unconvincing words.

    Lexie E:
    She emphasized the need for justice rather than focusing on peace in her essay.

  27. Brianna, I would adjust your use of clarity a tad:
    The turtle in John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, helped clarify the meaning of the book through its in-depth detail.
    When you say "sheds light on the clarity of the book," it makes it sound like the book is about clarity, when really it just implements moments of clarity (or clarifies).
    I'm not totally sure if this is correct, that's just how I see it. Anyone feel free to challenge me or back me up.

    Katie S.
