Monday, March 2, 2015

Vocab? Nein!

  Due Monday, March 9

OPTIONAL: Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each word. 
REQUIRED: Post one sentence as a comment below. The sentence you post must be a single complete sentence interrupted by a "however" surrounded by commas. For example: Many people, however, failed to understand the task.

Go With the Flow
Words for the Weak Willed
  1. Assimilation
  2. Consensus
  3. Context
  4. Derived
  5. Incumbent
  6. Inevitable
  7. Malleable
  8. Subdue 
Feeling at Home
Words for the Comfortable
  1. Inherent
  2. Innate
  3. Inveterate
  4. Omnipotent
  5. Proximity


  1. I am inveterate when it comes to arguing; Jessica, however, seems to be rather lacking in practice.

  2. My schedule, however, is not very malleable these days.

  3. Morgan - the "however" is supposed to separate one complete sentence and I think if you removed it from your sentence you would just have two sentences with a comma in between... I'm not sure if that's helpful or if I'm wrong but I thought I would try to help before these got graded

  4. I was born with an inherent knack for lost wherever I go. I can, however, usually make it to school with minimal wrong turns.

  5. It was incumbent of Rosemary, the intern, to attend the monthly meeting at the firm; her boss, Mr. Windelehoo, however, showed up only when it pleased him.

  6. Look, I understand that it's incumbent we respect "borders" and "treaties"; I was just thinking, however, maybe the annexation of Canada should be given a little more consideration because think about it: they could have maple syrup AND twenty extra freedoms per square mile just by being invaded.

  7. I would think pineapple derived from Brazil would have a very tropical and flavorful taste; pineapple grown in California, however, would be expected to have more tartness, but still packed with flavor.

  8. The omnipotence of Gilgamesh, however, did not worry me in the slightest once he started to rollerblade.

  9. The end, however, was inevitable to come, regardless of the love she still felt.

  10. She tried to assimilate the lecture, however, her mind kept straying from the professor's word.
    - Emma

  11. Many runners put in numerous miles to trim down their race times. Innate talent, however, allows some athletes to crush the competition without ever running competitively before.

  12. While on the couch I attempted to reach the homework folder slightly out of reach; I was just about to get up and grab it, however, when my inveterate tendencies from years of laziness kicked in and told me not to bother.

  13. A consensus, however, couldn’t be achieved with all the hostility in the room.

  14. When Suzy started her first job, she was adored by many due to her malleable nature; however, her adaptive nature began to run thin due to her coworkers taking advantage of her.

  15. The proximity of myself to the fridge was, however, indeed close enough for me to trounce my laziness, rise to my feet, fling the condiment weighted door open with enough force to rattle the windows across the room, and retrieve my grape drink.

  16. It is incumbent that you defeat the enemy at all costs, however, it will be tough and the journey will be long.

  17. With similar tastes in food, however, you'd think we could come to a consensus on what toppings to order on a pizza.

  18. Lacking the innate need to argue everything makes me easy to talk to; with Andrew, however, an argument is inevitable.

  19. I don’t purposefully disobey traffic laws; my innate need to get to school on time, however, causes me to be patronized by traffic cops.

  20. Mack Civil

    The assimilation, however, of the facts just didn't add up for the NCIS team.

  21. The assimilation, however, of the facts just didn't add up for the NCIS team.

  22. The man was, however, an inveterate smoker that had no money to buy more cigarettes.


  23. I have a inveterate habit of wearing the same pair of lucky socks at every race- many people, however, do not participate in similar superstitions.

  24. Good news! They let me back into the exclusive Pokemon battles under the stairs, but the joke's on them, however, because with all of my time away I've been perfecting my skills and now I'm planning to be the omnipotent dominator of the 'Mon battles. You've been warned, punks.

  25. When I am downstairs on my couch I feel close in proximity to my happy place, however, I am only close enough when I am in my own bed.

  26. Yes, German car manufacturers such as Audi and Mercedes- Benz do produce some high performance engines; the VR38DETT, however, is derived from the blood and sweat of it's takumi.

  27. Rolanda was infatuated with Alex, however, she was an inveterate stalker and Alex refused to accept her habit of sneaking into his house.

  28. The hippopotamus, however, was inevitably subdued by Animal Control.

  29. It's inevitable, however, to get sunburnt if you don't wear sunscreen.

  30. Though she was only a princess, she, however, was the only one who could subdue the mighty dragon in that proximity.

  31. Being a man down on a sunny Sunday at Waverly Country Club makes me want to quit my job, however, I managed to subdue my frustration and decided to keep my job.

  32. The students were given a second chance along with more explicit instruction - the inevitable outcome, however, demonstrated that history can repeat itself.

  33. Assimilation of the millions of Southern and Eastern European immigrants was, however, thought to be impossible during the late 19th century, despite the fact that they made up a huge percentage of the U.S. population.

  34. Even though they are malleable children, one girl, however, stuck with her beliefs.

  35. The government has decided, however, that it will be incumbent upon all of us to set up Justin Bieber as bait for the zombie aliens.

  36. Coming to a consensus on what to eat for dinner is always difficult, however, my brother always gives in after a long battle. -Miranda Carver

  37. It was inevitable, however, that I would post this vocab sentence at the last minute.

  38. I usually don't mind the company of others, however, his close proximity made me feel uncomfortable.

  39. Coby C:
    Childrens' minds are malleable, however, so any inevitability of them following their parents' wishes does not exist.

    Whitney I:
    Some say that timed writes are simple and enjoyable. I, however, lack the innate ability to enjoy pressure of crafting a well-thought essay in a short amount of time.

    Luda V:
    The group had reached consensus on where we'd have lunch; Nate, however, screwed that up by suggesting pizza.

    Lexie E:
    When she got home, however, she inveterately put her things away and nestled into her favorite chair as she always does.

    Maurie H:
    Garrett seems to think that the Nissan GTR is omnipotent among all other cars; the Kia Rondo, however, would very much disagree with that statement.
