Wednesday, October 21, 2015

How to help your "guy" with a Bibliography without committing plagiarism

When a classmate asks you for help with his or her Bibliography, you should ...
  1. never share your Bibliography or Works Cited with a classmate.
  2. never give a classmate a complete citation.
  3. remind him or her that the Bibliography Notes page exists. This page contains all the advice, models, and source information a person could ask for.
  4. give him or her the following information only, in this order: 
  • The title of the essay
  • The title of the anthology / source
  • The author of the essay
  • The page numbers of the essay
Remember, if you let a classmate copy your work - either intentionally or inadvertently - you are also guilty of plagiarism. The penalty for both the borrower and the lender is a 0 on the assignment and a referral.

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