Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Vocab Leavened

It’s Getting Better
Words to Make You Feel Good

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

The sentence you post, however, must include the word “however.”
If “however” is an interrupter, surround it with commas; however, if you use it to connect two complete sentences, precede “however” with a semi-colon and follow it with a comma.

Bonus Challenge: Write all your sentences about bread or other baked goods.
  1. Alleviate
  2. Asylum
  3. Auspicious
  4. Benevolent
  5. Benign
  6. Mollify
  7. Reclamation
  8. Sanction
Bonus Point – Tell me why the following sentence is funny: The students were happy when the principal agreed to sanction the use of cell phones in class.

Liar, Liar
When the Truth is in Question
  1. Dubious
  2. Fabricated
  3. Hypocrisy
  4. Slander
  5. Spurious


  1. The bride noticed the missing cupcakes, however, the Baker fabricated the truth by claiming he had eaten 10 cupcakes.

    1. The bride noticed the missing cupcakes; however, the baker fabricated the truth by claiming he had eaten 10 cupcakes.

  2. When Tara broke her ankle, her mom tried to alleviate the pain by giving her Advil, however, the Advil wasn’t strong enough to take the pain away.
    Sarah Talley, per. 4

  3. The lawyer had fabricated the evidence to make her client innocent; however, the judge was quick to find the inconsistencies within the fixed evidence.
    -Rachael Durr, Period 5

  4. Starting a game of soccer is thrilling; however, falling down on your face is not an auspicious way to start.
    -Brooke Donaca, Per.5

  5. The baker burned his hand against the pan when taking it out of the oven; however, he had kept burn ointment around for this and, after running his hand under cold water, and applying the ointment, his pain was alleviated.

  6. He usually heads to the kitchen to seek asylum in its cocoon of hot ovens and warm pastries; however, to his dismay, it was full of people cooking for his family reunion.

    -Christina Clothier, Period 4

  7. The baker almost always had a full stock of baking supplies; however, when he arrived at his bakery, he was shocked to find that he was completely out of flour.

  8. The warm, fluffy, and light bread brought forth memories of taking asylum behind Mother’s blouse; however, they could not break the chains of fate that held him to the green mile.

    -Adam Banks, Period 4

    1. The warm, fluffy, and light bread brought forth memories of taking asylum behind Mother’s blouse; however, it could not break the chains of fate that bound him to the green mile.

  9. My repetitive burning of the rye bread was not an auspicious sign; however, with enough practice and the batteries taken out of the fire alarm, I believed I could be the best baker in Bakersfield.

  10. Their application for asylum had been approved; however, they had lost their passports.

  11. My friend attempted to mollify her stress by taking deep breaths and laying down; however, she was too shocked and could not find a way to relax.

  12. The frenetic hummingbird flew into the window repeatedly; however, he became quite benign when I picked him up.

    Evan Scott, P. 4

  13. When Carlee hurt her back, the athletic trainer tried to alleviate her pain by giving her ice and demanding her to rest, however, the ice wasn’t going to solve the problem.

  14. The baker had such a benign smile; however, he turned out to be dangerous after he was found guilty of murdering his wife.
    Dominic Stevenson, Period 4

  15. “The baker tried to alleviate his diminishing financial situation by advertising his quaint cake shop on a television commercial; however, the presence of another cake shop down the street presented new competition and additional economic struggles.”

    -Lucas Lundy

  16. To win the reward for the bake off, Angela resorted to slander to ruin her competitors’ reputation; however, the judges saw through her devious acts, and she was promptly disqualified.

  17. She tried to alleviate the pain of her aching muscles with a massage; however, she found that the only solution was to take a warm, soothing bath.
    -Lillie Bui, per. 5

  18. When Bones had seen all the baked goods in the bread store, he knew that he had to enter bread making contest with The Therapist; however, Bones was unaware that the seagulls had fabricated a plan to scar The Therapist once more.

    -Ian Roberts, Period 5

  19. The business had been struggling lately, however, a new product gave the owners an auspicious outlook.
    - Camille Slaughter, Per 4

  20. Junior year can be quite stressful; however, my dad tries to alleviate this stress by doing things like making me meals and doing my laundry.

  21. She tried, however, to alleviate the pain with Advil, but it didn't help at all.
    Sarah Talley per 4.

  22. The ravenous kids were mollified when presented with the muffins; however, their hunger manifested once more when the last crumb was devoured.

  23. The more the employee got know the baker, he realized that the baker’s attitude was nothing but benign towards everyone; however, the employee didn’t realize that the baker was actually his boss.
    -Nicole Lambert P.4

  24. Many people like to say that something is the best thing since sliced bread; however, the only way I will sanction the use of that phrase is if they say that Betty White is the best thing since sliced bread, because she is.

    1. WAIT WAIT FLIP THAT AROUND: Sliced bread is the best thing since Betty White. That’s historically accurate.

      Many people like to say that something is the best thing since sliced bread; however, the only way I will sanction the use of that phrase is if they say that sliced bread is the best thing since Betty White, because that’s a fact and because she is.

  25. Kill this man, however, alleviate his pain by just poisoning him.
    -Nemo Gilpin

  26. The baker’s face was dark, however, it began changing form: creasing along the edges, lighting among the shadows, and finalized with a benevolent smile.

  27. Stacey tried to mollify Brain who was red with fury; however, she couldn’t stop him from punching the other guy in the face.

  28. Commanding officers are always in charge of alleviating the stress of the ones under them; however, they can raise the stress of those around them.

  29. The room was quiet;however, it was obvious that the fabricated peace was beginning to crumble

  30. At the open house they were informed no deaths had occurred in the home; however, they soon found out the truth had been fabricated, no deaths had occurred in the home but rather in the front yard.
    -Jada Dixon
    Per 4

  31. The words coming out of her mouth seemed harsh, however, her benign tone softened their impact

  32. The tumor, the doctor said, was benign; however, he wanted to remove it anyway, just as a precaution.

    ~Baileigh Luntsford
    Per. 5

  33. The North Korean double agent was quite effective at disrupting his government's projects; however when he was found out, there was no other choice but to grant him political asylum in the U.S..

    Dylan Magana

  34. In order to alleviate the crippling pain in her stomach, the nurse gave the girl an oxycodone pill; however, the medicine disappointingly relived no pain whatsoever.
