Thursday, January 17, 2019

Agenda, January 17

  • Due Tuesday: Write an argument OR narrative that responds to the prompt "How can you work against systemic racism to help make our world more healthy and peaceful?" Typed. MLA. 700-800 words. Put the word count on the first page, directly under the date. This link might make your life easier. Your audience is the Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility.
  • Due Wednesday: "The Speech of Miss Polly Baker," from The Language of Composition.
Today's Agenda:
  1. Can I? Should I? Do I have to?
  2. Step 1: What can you do to solve the problem?
  3. Step 2: How will the world be better because of it?
  4. Step 3: Pick a mode. Do you want to explain what you can do and how you know it will work OR do you want to show what you can do? One, two, three organization v. beginning, middle, end organization.
  5. Step 4: Type like the wind.
  6. Slow Group Disco
  7. "I Want a ..."

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