Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Period 1 Discussion Questions for The Color Purple

1)    Analyze the impact of the following rhetorical choices:
a.     Epistolary
b.     Colloquialisms
c.     Unreliable narrators
d.     Multiple Audiences: God, Nettie, Celie, the readers
2)    Why does American culture confine women to certain roles? How does the oppression and liberation of women affect American culture at large?
3)    What is the definition and significance of sisterhood?
4)    How / why do some people become slaves while others become masters?
5)    What is the definition of a family? How are families made?
6)    What are the similarities and differences between religion and spirituality? How do religion and spirituality alter one’s actions and thoughts? Is religion good?
7)    What is the best way to stand up for yourself? For others? What is worth standing up for?
8)    Is it possible to escape tradition?
9)    Is there inherent good in everyone? Are all people capable of change?
10) How does a person’s upbringing affect the rest of their life? How does the absence of love affect someone? How do we overcome trauma?

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