Saturday, December 4, 2010

Agenda, December 6

When did it become December?

Due Now: "On Compassion"
Due Wednesday: "On Dumpster Diving," by Lars Eighner, in 50 Essays.
Due Thursday: Vocab 1
Due Friday: Personal Narrative about an experience with justice / injustice OR about a time when you didn't have enough money. You are writing for a public audience. Typed, double spaced. 600-750 words. Put your word count in your header.
Due in January: Synthesis #2 - What, if anything, is society's obligation to the poor?

Don't you miss the days when homework was just reading 60 pages in a night?

  1. Portfolio Maintenance
  2. Brainstorming / Writing Time
  3. High Challenge, Low Stakes: AP style multiple choice quiz
  4. A Compassionate Discussion


  1. What will be the next book we read?

  2. We'll be reading *Nickel and Dimed* by Barbara Eherenreich over winter break. It's quick and easy.
