Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Agenda, December 8

Do Now: "On Dumpster Diving"
Due Tomorrow: Vocab 1, online and paper versions
Due Friday: Optional TEP Revision, typed
Due Friday: 600-750 word personal narrative. No holiday themes. Typed, double spaced. Word count in the header.
  1. The End of "Compassion"
  2. High Challenge, Low Stakes Quiz
  3. Open Discussion on a Dumpster


  1. I know our narratives are supposed to include a "so what?" factor/idea, and so I was wondering if humor would counteract the seriousness, or if it could possibly be an effective strategy?

  2. Humor can certainly be effective. In fact, Lars Eighner offers several examples we could discuss. Some time during class, we ought to give some attention to how Eighner offers examples of exactly what you're asking about.
