Monday, February 7, 2011

Vocab Sank

You Say You Want a Revolution?
Words for the Downtrodden
Due February 11

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words.

1.     alienated
2.     alliance
3.     disparity
4.     servile
5.     suppressed

You are so Beautiful
Words for the Interior Decorator
Due February 11

6.     embellish
7.     florid
8.     opulent
9.     ornate
10.  ostentatious
11.  poignant


  1. The turtles created an alliance and fought back against the evil truck drivers of the world.

  2. I'm not sure if I used this word correctly, so here it goes: My room is opulent in the color pink and I have accumulated about 30 different shades of the color in various items.

  3. Thanks for taking a risk, Sarah.

    What do you think, folks? Did she use "opulent" correctly? How do you know?

  4. Despite the disparity, the two girls were able to work together to capture the ostrich before the sun rose.

    ~rachael strunk

  5. The outcast kid was always taken advantage of; he was poked and prodded until he was alienated from everyone, even his parents.

  6. The ugly grey rat suppressed the piece of rotting cheese from rolling into the dirty sewer water and ending up as fodder for genetically modified goldfishes.

  7. As Marley walked past the dumpster on her way to lunch, a poignant effluvium drifted up to her nostrils and cruelly stole her appetite.

  8. I tried to avoid my servile chores to spend more time on Minecraft but my attempt was futile, so I swept the area around Master Adrian's highchair. When I returned to my lair, I found the computer occupied by the Master's estranged Uncle. I concluded that they formed an alliance behind my back in hopes to alienate me. Now I feel like Dwight and I have to say: goal accomplished.

    -Taylor Peck

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The woman was opulently attired - deep folds of silk, precious gems, and metallic splendor made her quite conspicuous in the rather dingy dining room of the fast food restaurant

  11. The nefarious rabble-rouser, Captain Cann’n May, owed her infamy to the embellishment of events; there was a great disparity between what actually occurred (a few squabbles) and what is said to have occurred (attacks by sea serpents). Unfortunately, May’s alliance with the British navy alienated her from her fellow plunderers, and suppressed her ostentatious style of dress, but she agreed because she knew she wasn’t that powerful a pirate anyhow.
    kathleen karpal

  12. Bob suppressed his urge to talk during the lesson in fear of the teacher yelling at him.

  13. Batman suppressed the Joker's efforts to destroy Gotham City.

    Go Batman!!!

  14. Roxie embellished her hair with peroxide and finger curls before her trial.

  15. Bob alienated his best friend when he stole her identity.

  16. The opulent fabric was of great interest to eager designers.

  17. Toby was extremely servile after years of threats and humiliation from Michael, giving up on any attempt of resistance.

  18. The speech that the turtles made to the evil truck drivers was quite poignant, but it was to no avail-the drivers continued to run the poor turtles over.

  19. Our class agreed to start a revolution. The teacher had suppressed the No Homework Thursdays.

    -Philip Nguyen

  20. I believe Sarah is right. Here's my sentence: I always thought being isolated and alienated were one in the same but, now, I am not so sure. All I know for reasonably sure is that you become isolated when you alienate others.


  21. There was sone disparity among the students because some drove Hondas while others drove Mercedes.


  22. The practice of servile marriage is an abuse to human rights.

    Sorry for the lateness. No internet at home right now.

  23. The two decided to form an alliance before the capture the flag game began; little did they know that the agreement wouldn't withstand through the game.

  24. The bride had a dress that was embellished who flowers, lace, and diamonds.
