Friday, February 18, 2011

Vocab Six

Words for Going too Far
Due Friday, February 25

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

1.     ebullience
2.     effusive
3.     egregiously
4.     flagrant
5.     frenetic
6.     gratuitous
7.     superfluous


  1. After listening to a poignant song about a man with no legs, or arms, or, mouth, or ears, or nose, or eyes, the truck driver gratuitously let the turtle cross the road; only to be later chased back by a pack of frenetic ostriches.

    ~rachael strunk

  2. His unabashed ebullience caught others in its wake, lifting them from sorrow.

  3. The congregation’s ebullience poured throughout the town as they raised their hands to praise God.

  4. Sometimes my little brother’s ebullience over ice cream can be obnoxious.


  5. With indignation her heated words poured forth; effusive and unrestrained, she showed no mercy in her verbal tirade.

  6. Frenetic from an over-consumption of coffee, Oliver finished the portrait just as the sun was awakening in a cotton-candy sky. Arguably his best work, it was unquestionably his last as Oliver died of a caffeine overdose two weeks later.

  7. The very idea of going camping for a whole week with Justin Bieber filled me with sheer ebullience.

  8. I nominate the name for this vocab to be Vocab Kuusi. We just need to Finnish it.

  9. MeShine's sentence:

    My attitude this week has been egregiously offensive due to the fact that I can’t stop thinking about how hurtful and unjust the world is.

  10. Her egregious dance had astounded the audience with its out-of-beat dance steps, the horrendous music, and an outfit that would have put Liberachi to shame.

  11. My mom often becomes frenetic after learning that company is coming over, trying to hide the mess.

  12. The high-diver had made an egregious mistake, jumping straight in to the mouth of the narwhal as it leapt out of Michael Scott's coffee cup.

  13. My brother delivered a gratuitous punch to my stomach. His Xbox was bound to break eventually - I was just helping along the process.

  14. The survivalist's method of enduring Snowmageddon, wrapping himself in a blanket made entirely of sirloin steak and floss, was an undoubtedly egregious method.

  15. I consume a superfluous amount of rice on a daily basis.

    -Philip Nguyen

  16. I have a superfluous storage of rice in my house just in case the U.S. angers Asia and they refuse to export rice to us. D:

  17. Ebullience overwhelmed the Girl Scout as she packed her bag for a summer retreat.

  18. I was full of ebullience last night when I though we would have a snow day.

  19. Although the crime was egregious against animal kind, the police could not be bothered to punish the cruel truck driver.

  20. My father's words could be considered flagrant to all women, but not my mother.

    -Katie Stagl
