Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Agenda, October 19

Due Wednesday: Read and highlight "Synthesizing Visual Rhetoric" (handout)
Due Wednesday: Bring a hard copy of an image or graph about education. If you find it online, feel free to e-mail the link to me.
Due Friday: Synthesis Paragraph. Details to be posted soon.

Due Friday: "The Myth of the Latin Woman," by Judith Ortiz Cofer, in 50 Essays
Due Friday: Vocab 5

Due Monday, 10/24: HiF revisions. Highlight all changes. Paper clip final on top of previous drafts. If you choose not to revise, you need to return your essay to me by the due date. 

  1. Nature v. Nurture? Are you appositive about that?
  2. The Synthesis Paragraph
  3. Let's get visual


  1. Are there any specific kind of notes we need to take on "The Myth of the Latin Woman"?

  2. Nope. Good question, though.
