Sunday, October 23, 2011

Agenda, October 24

Due Now: HiF revisions. Highlight all changes. Paper clip final on top of previous drafts. If you choose not to revise, you need to return your essay to me by the due date. 
Starting tomorrow: Education Narrative Revisions are due. If you choose not to revise, please return your essay to me.
Due Tuesday: "The Myth of the Latin Woman," by Judith Ortiz Cofer, in 50 Essays. Be sure to reread it.
Due Wednesday: "None of this is Fair," by Richard Rodriguez (handout)

Due Friday: Vocab 6 
  1. Collect revisions
  2. If you want me to skim your synthesis paragraph, leave it with me.
  3. A quick glimpse at the Education Synthesis Topics
  4. To the library! 


  1. By education narrative, do you mean our How We Learned essay?

  2. Yup. Five people received their essays back last Tuesday, so their revisions are due tomorrow. Five more are due on Wednesday.
