Friday, February 17, 2017

Vocab Styx

It’s Getting Better

Words to Make You Feel Good

Due Friday, February 24

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

  1. Alleviate
  2. Asylum
  3. Auspicious
  4. Benevolent
  5. Benign
  6. Mollify
  7. Reclamation
  8. Sanction

Bonus Challenge #1 – Tell me why the following sentence is funny: The students were happy when the principal agreed to sanction the use of cell phones in class.

Liar, Liar

When the Truth is in Question

  1. Dubious
  2. Fabricated
  3. Hypocrisy
  4. Slander
  5. Spurious

Bonus challenge #2: Write all your sentences bout characters in Greek Mythology.


  1. Under Donald Trump’s administration, many refugees will not receive asylum in the United States.

    Marissa Levy

  2. After the second quarter of the Super Bowl, the Falcons were auspicious.
    Kennah Watts

  3. The blog wouldn't sanction Andrea's superfluous second sentence, but I'll benevolently post both:

    The Homeowners Association does not sanction any house color other than Puce.

    It was soon discovered that a key piece of evidence had been fabricated, making it irrelevant to the case.
    -Andrea Rempel, Per. 4

  4. I don't mean to slander anyone, but I'm dubious about the veracity of the following sentence:

    My suffering was alleviated when the cold mandibles of death finally found their way to my throat.
    Levi S.

  5. Ashamed, aren’t you? Ha!
    I have been benevolent, I have been benign, I have tried so desperately to mollify your fears and your fury and your forswearing of me, yet you still claim me as hippocratic and ripe with falsehoods! I understand that these fables I’ve fabricated for you are simply lies and slander but - please - you must understand that I did all that as to not harm you a greater deal.
    Ashamed, aren’t you?!

    -Madi Schreiter, P.4

  6. My dog is more benign than all my teacher put together.

  7. The ping pong table was assembled under auspicious circumstances, since many people were wanting to put the table to use.

  8. The beautiful songs of the Siren’s that sailors encountered in the Sea of Monsters were actually spurious cries that were used to lure in the men, entrancing them so the Siren’s could feast for the evening.
    -Delaney Kleiner, p. 5

  9. Home was her asylum, an escape from the outside world, a protector.

  10. The Americans were shocked to learn that their entire history had been fabricated.

    -Ana Imes

  11. I dubiously asked my boyfriend if he still had feelings for his ex, but then I took back the question, because I knew I was clearly the better option.

  12. After not eating for hours, a sandwich helped alleviate the worker.

    Caine Young Period 4

  13. Since her teacher was in a good mood, the student felt now was an auspicious time to ask for an extension.

  14. "It is an auspicious event," the old men had said of the comet. But all it had brought them was more pain and war - the never-ending war.

  15. She was always slandering about how her boyfriend was a cheater, and couldn't be trusted.

  16. It was nearly impossible to mollify her temper when she was irritated by obnoxious passerbys.

  17. The only thing the rest of can do is sit back and watch. We should not only sanction, but glorify these crazy individuals; who else is there to change the world, to become our heroes, to remind us of what humanity was meant to be?

  18. The first to arrive was Aphrodite, warm hearted and beaming with benevolence.

  19. While laying in the hospital bed after my knee surgery, medicine was pumped into my body to alleviate the excruciating pain.

  20. Dr. Vile laughed deliriously, it was as if the man was in a craze. “It’s all mine,” he repeated over and over. He had at long last fabricated the perfect sandwich.
    - Clara V

  21. Fred felt dubious to walk into the haunted house, but he did it anyways.

  22. She retreated into the asylum of her room.

  23. The internet must be dubious about the quality of the following sentences; clearly, its doubt is spurious:

    Hades was not exactly known for his benevolence.
    Logan B.

    The dog looked vicious, but he was rather benign.
    Jordan C.

  24. “The slanderous comments against President Trunp are completely unfounded” the PR rep said while sweating violently.

  25. Donald Trump is famous for accusing Barack Obama of having a spurious birth location.
