Friday, February 10, 2017

Vocab Thrive (thanks, Sarah, my favoritest student ever!)


Words for Going too Far

Due Friday, February 17

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each word. Post one sentence as a comment below.

Bonus challenge: Write all your sentences about someone experiencing deep, meaningful, personal growth.

  1. ebullience
  2. effusive
  3. egregiously
  4. flagrant
  5. frenetic
  6. gratuitous
  7. superfluous


  1. This gratuitous flattery must continue!

    Mr. Kline was ebullient when someone laughed at one of his puns.
    Andrea R.

  2. The internets offer their effusive apologies for their resistance to Logan's postings:

    After her therapy session, she felt more ebullient than ever.
    Logan B.

  3. My friend has an egregious interest in serial killers.
    Ana Imes

  4. I cannot stand flagrant displays of affection in the hallways.

    Marissa Levy

  5. Kino’s cheeks warmed, and it wasn't just the rum. “Sir, I believe these scandalous comments I'm hearing from you are rather gratuitous. I have not had enough to drink to tolerate them.” He put the lip of the bottle to his own.
    “These words, all these big words! What even are you speaking, man?” Victor swirled, plopping down in the sand beside his partner and slinging his arm around his shoulder.
    Kino drank and looked over at Victor, unamused by his slick movements. “What?” he asked, slightly vexed.
    “I like it when you use big words.”

    -Madi Schreiter, P.4

  6. Our friend---who bought just one burrito---was disappointed in our egregious Taco Bell purchases that totaled five tacos and three burritos.

  7. She lived with such ebullience, nothing could ever bring her down.
    Sarah Ramsey

  8. The blog hasn't been able to keep up with the frenetic pace of students' posting, so it asked me to help with this one:

    The girl's heart fluttered like a butterfly as she left her date full of ebullience.
    Jenna G.

  9. Another comment from me would probably be egregious, so I'll just post this sentence here:

    My dad was very frenetic when he did five lines of coke.
    Levi S.

  10. "Oh, come on, a day at the theatre? This is exactly the type of ridiculous, time-wasting nonsense I've been missing!" he cried effusively.

  11. Her writing was superfluous; she was always the top student in her class.

  12. None of the crewmembers were liken to shed effusive tears over her departure, she was mostly trouble anyway.

  13. I am only full of ebullience when I am eating food.

    -Caine Young Period 4

  14. The first essay I turned in for AP Lang was rather egregious.
    Kennah Watts

  15. My grades plummeted egregiously, and so did my ability to lie about them.

  16. The teacher sent the student out of the classroom for his flagrant remarks.
    Portia Bailey

  17. The teacher felt her students understood the material, and that to spend any more instruction time on it would be superfluous; the students weren’t so sure.

  18. She became ebullient when she was told she placed 1st place.

  19. She thought breaking up with him would open a gate of relief and ebullience. Instead, the girl found nothing but a crater full of tears and regret.
    - Clara V

  20. There was a superfluous amount of blankets on the bed.
    -Abby Jensen

  21. The ebullient song was so uplifting that I danced in my chair.

    Dakotah-Rae Mick

  22. Some may say his punishment for his wife was superfluous, but her road to hell had many more treacherous and agonizing circumstances to come.

  23. The blog's resistance to Jordan's brilliance seems a bit egregious to me:

    The little girl’s ebullience after having gotten the teddy bear from the claw machine was a bit over the top.
    Jordan C.

  24. She let out an effusive thank you after the security guard reunited her with her daughter.
    hailey sumpter p.5

  25. Among all the egregiousness that stands out in our day, beautiful things could use a little overkill.

  26. Everything she did was gratuitous; we didn’t need to hear her recite every element from the periodic table just because she was exuberant over her chemistry test score. -Delaney kleiner (5th)

  27. I find their envy egregious and unattractive.

  28. Rafflesia flowers - as the genus-wide nickname (“corpse flowers”) would suggest - are infamous for outputting a flagrantly pungent fragrance.

  29. The pupper was filled with playful ebullience.
