Friday, March 17, 2017

Post Your T-Shirt Ideas Here!

If you have suggestions for a saying, an image, or a style, post them here. We'll probably have time to discuss them on the finals period.


  1. T-shirt that looks like a title card for It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It says, "Jig-Jig."

    -Madi S.

  2. Here's a quick sketch of an idea. It has Joe Bonham with Madi's smiley face, a tombstone with "RIP [something]," flowers from The Color Purple. It also needs something from The Crucible.

  3. A long sleeve which reads "It's Just a Pizza" with pizza converse under the writing
    Posted by Kennah, but is an idea i know quite a few people have talked about

  4. Put an eagle on it. Then it's American.

  5. A stick figure climbing a rock wall saying it's just a pizza.

  6. A blue t-shirt with a curtain design that says, "Sometimes the curtains are just blue". (This seems to be in the same vein as the pizza one, but 4th period apparently got a different example..?)

  7. The shirt defiantly has to be purple (because symbolism.)

  8. AP Lang Bibliography, citations of all of our inside jokes.
    -4th period
