Friday, January 18, 2013

REVISED: General Format for a Song

General Format for a song:
Artist (Last name first). “Song Title.” CD/Album Title. Record Label. Year. Type of Media.

A Christmas Carol. Tom Lehrer. Songs & More Songs by Tom Lehrer. Rhino Records. 1967. mp3.
Silent Night / 7 O’Clock News. Simon and Garfunkel. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme. Columbia Records. 1966. mp3.


  1. For "Silent Night/7 O'Clock News" do we just leave it as Simon and Garfunkel or do we need both of their full names?

  2. So I finished the Christmas Carol one and it looked like this (but with italics on the song title):
    Lehrer, Tom. “A Christmas Carol.” Songs & More Songs by Tom Lehrer. Rhino Records. 1967. mp3.

    Can someone tell me if that is correct, and then I had the same question as Shelby about how to format the names for the Silent Night News one.

  3. I also had a question about the bib entry for Nickel and Dimed. I am not sure which company to use as the publisher. I looked it up online and one site said to use "Metropolitan Books" while another said to use "Henry Holt and Company," but I found both companies in the front copyright information, so I'm unsure which one to use... Anybody got any suggestions?


  4. The artist for Simon and Garfunkel is Simon and Garfunkel.

    McKenna, your citation looks correct, but it's hard to tell without italics and hanging indents; everything is in the right order.

    The publisher for *Nickel and Dimed* is Henry Holt and Company, LLC. (I believe it's an LLC, but I don't have my copy right in front of me.

    1. So like this? (with the title in italics obviously):
      Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001. Print

    2. You've got the fact correct, and you've got the info in the right place.
