Monday, January 7, 2013

Vocab Tree

Due Monday, January 14

Provide the definition of the following words. Include the dictionary definition and a translation of the dictionary definition into your own words. Write an original sentence for each. Post one sentence as a comment.

  1. biased
  2. exculpate
  3. impartial
  4. incontrovertible
  5. integrity
  6. objectivity
  7. subjectivity
  8. penitent
  9. plausible
  10. substantiated
  11. vindicated


  1. My sister was penitent as she apologized to me. (By the way this would never happen in real life)

  2. The court system in America is objective until the

    accused is proven guilty. Nice Brooke...I know the feeling;)

  3. The thought that my brother would offer a sincere apology for throwing away my English homework was not very plausible as he stood there curled over in laughter.

    (Thanks for the idea Brooke (: lol)

  4. I like the banter! That's the spirit!

  5. My mother was biased toward my sister, even though the motherly handbook claims that this should never be done.

  6. It is an incontrovertible truth that I really, really, really like bacon.(haha Abby yours made me laugh)

  7. The student decided to do his homework with integrity instead of copying from other people.

  8. Being a teenager means doing plenty of stupid things for the sake of the experiences; penitent feelings may only briefly flash through you when you’re grounded in your room with zero contact to the outside world.


  9. I couldn’t face the incontrovertible truth that it’d be two weeks before I could watch the Walking Dead again.


  10. The rain falling from the sky did not substantiate the weatherman’s claim that it would snow today.

  11. After lying about cleaning my room so I could go out with friends, I was penitent and cleaned the whole house.

  12. While many though the principal's rules foolish and unnecessary, subsequent events vindicated her policies.

  13. My complete exhaustion after a long day at school served as a very plausible excuse to take a nap.

  14. By my father's tone, I could tell that his declaration was incontrovertible - I would not be driving tonight, snow or no snow.

  15. Teachers claim to retain a sense of objectivity, but it’s clear who their favorites are

  16. The young, rambunctious hooligans,lacking integrity, headed towards the old ramshackle house, equipped with silvery cans of spray paint and pockets packed with cigarettes.

  17. My mom says it is always important to have integrity when someone loses something and I can give it back to them when I find it, unless it comes to money, then it's just stupid.

    1. I'm sure there's room for that argument somewhere in your poor synthesis paper. :)

  18. After a scandalous report in the newspaper, the politician’s already tenuous integrity was questioned.

  19. After my brother was called upstairs, I did not hesitate to delve into his stash of Christmas candy. Lifting a starburst to my mouth, I began to feel somewhat penitent — then the taste of strawberry exploded throughout my senses, wiping away all traces of doubt.

  20. When my sister gives my mom impartial answers to where we were at 2 in the morning, my mom always turns to me to find out the truth due to my easiness to spill to her.

  21. After my brother was called upstairs, I did not hesitate to delve into his stash of Christmas candy. Lifting a starburst to my mouth, I began to feel somewhat penitent — then the taste of strawberry flooded my senses and wiped any whisper of doubt.

  22. My younger sister wants the truck that my brother stole from her, my other younger sister wants the truck from my brother that (apparently) was her's in the first place, and all I desire is to remain impartial in the midst of this most recent crisis.

    -Aaron Niemetz

  23. In the heat of the moment, jumping off of my roof onto the trampoline twenty feet away seemed very plausible.

  24. My neighbor's story about how he saw a coyote steal one of our chickens seemed plausible, as it happened a couple months ago.

    -Jack Powell

  25. The idea that little Jimmy could lift that car all by himself was less than plausible.

  26. The subject of me doing my vocab tree was incontrovertible.

    -Lizzy Coryell

  27. I looked forward to my mother’s interrogation as a chance to vindicate myself against my sister’s accusations.

    Hailey Caragol
