Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Guided Tour of My Writing Space, by Ed Kline

A Guided Tour of my Writing Space
April 5, 2020

When you enter, the first thing you’ll spy
is the perfect writing center:
comfy chair, ideal for napping,
an array of pens so broad you
could spend an entire afternoon
selecting just the right one,
a laptop, with easy access to the entire 
world wide web for research or inspiration,
and paper blank as my mind.

Sit yourself down at my spotless desk
and gaze out the window – for endless hours.
Watch the people pass by, watch them stop
to gaze at the thistles, or wait for their dogs
to smell the roses - 
watch them and wonder
about their stories and their histories,
their pasts and their presence;
tumble them around in your imagination
without writing a single word.

On your right, the office opens onto the living room.
The cat stretches lazily in her tree;
the dog sprawls on the couch, snoring lightly.
You can hear the laughter of my wife and daughter,
engaged in some silly game
or bit of foolishness on the internet.
Ignore them.
Ignore the pull of their lightness and joy.
There is work to be done here at this clean, blank desk,
with these useless pens and captivating window.

Don’t let them distract you from the left. Yes!
To your left, you’ll see my precious vault
of good ideas,
sealed with a steel bolted,
multi-combination lock,
bio-chemical ID
with both face
and fingerprint recognition
so that casual passersby can’t get at them;

if only I had a head for numbers,
if only I could put my thumb on why
that screen won’t recognize me,
those ideas wouldn’t be
safe and sound from me too.

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